Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes - December 1, 2020

The changes to other heroes are so small that Hogger queues will be a nightmare.


The nerf to Imperius HP was a heavy hit though.

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Yeah but these changes are smart. They tone down Hogg wild without making it useless. This was great to get done before he hit live too. The amount of complaints they avoided here is significant.

Greater Poly needs something more after the changes and BW’s bribe mechanic could possibly use a little change too. I would like direct flare hits to heroes granting a stack or something to make her more engaged than just hovering minion waves.

Yeah but I like to take the first week to play some of my favorites to see how they fair against the new hero. I like bruiser and there’s a ton of them I play, so I need to get some perspective on how to play against Hogger. The first few weeks should make that easier finding games against him.

Reality hurts, therefore toxic. Even without being mean.

Anyway… I see no mention of a Winter event :thinking: Slightly worried


I wonder if the winter event will start two or three weeks out? I mean the events tend to last a bit. Seems like they are getting better about start and end dates compared to the last year. I remember when the Winter event went way into Spring.

Speaking of toxic behavior, You made 3 accounts to report a comment that hurt you that despite not being toxic, it was a mockery of you.

You cannot accuse someone of certain things if you fall into hypocrisy.


It was 5 months long, lol. Almsot half of last Nexus year was Winter.
We were warned in GoT, but we never gave credit to the Starks… :confused:


Because players asked them for some reasons to increase its “duration”…

Me being silver is a known troll based on zero facts. :expressionless:

Uh, no, I didn’t. maybe you really are just toxic :expressionless:

I wonder if they will need a PTR for it or just dump the event with the next balance patch. I know Blizz goes on holiday break for quite awhile so I would expect a patch some time in the next two weeks and then nothing until after new years.

Understandable Sonya nerfs

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Sonya got straight buffs? Imperius was the only nerf in the whole patch.

Hmm. Must’ve read wrong.

Anyway, now that Sonya, a very good hero is buffed, I’m happy.

Where Artanis buffs?

I will adapt. :robot:


They only buffed talents nobody picked.
(I still won’t be picking them. W talents after lvl 1 are kind of useless)

I guess patch is not live atm? I have the november patch. And don’t have the Hogger on the collection.

The patch comes only in Europe tomorrow (Wednesday)


Thanks for the update!

The patch comes only in Europe tomorrow (Wednesday)

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