Theron Gorefiend//My wish and My Idea

A high damager Bruiser with high stability that can stand in front of enemy solo and master of killing spree.


Name and Title: Theron Gorefiend
Zone: World of Warcraft Lich King Expansion
Race: Human Unholy Death Knight
Role: Bruiser


Health: 2524 (5% per level)
Health Regeneration: 5.17 (5% per level)
Attack Damage: 146 (5% per level)
Attack Speed: 1.25
Attack Range: 2


Q) Scourge Strike

Instantly deal 187 Damage (5% per level) to nearby enemy and heal Theron for 75% of damage dealt.

(6 seconds cool down and 30 Runic Power cost).

W) Festering Strike

Instantly deal 100% of Theron Basic Attack damage to one enemy and also deal damage equal to 10% of enemy maximum Health over 3 seconds (15 seconds cool down and 50 Runic Power cost).

E) Death Strike

Active it to Return all damage dealt by a nearby enemy in next 2 seconds to him over 2 seconds (maximum 500 damage, 5% per level) (14 seconds cool down and and 40 Runic Power cost).

Passive: Theron always return 10% of enemy damage dealt to them every time they attack him.


T1) Runic Power

Theron does not have mana, replace it he have Runic power with 0 until 100 amount, abilities cost Runic Power and each basic attack against enemy create 10 Runic Power.

T2) Festering Wound

Theron’s ability take on his enemy shadow effect ,each basic ability Is used ,cause them to create Festering Wound (Shadow effect) deal 48 (5% per level) damage to them and cost 10 Runic Power every 1 second for 2.5 Seconds.

T3)Unholy Frenzy

After using a basic or talent ability, Theron get 10% attack speed for 6 seconds stack up 5 times to 50%.

Heroic Abilities

R1) Death Grip

Harness the energy that surrounds target, drawing enemy Hero, summon, camp, monster toward you, long range ( 60 seconds cool down and 50 Runic Power cost).

R2) Defile

Defile part of ground and release Shadow effect on it for 8 seconds, cause all enemy to get Festering Wound for this duration with 50% more damage and also slow their movement speed by 5% for 1 second stack up 8 times every 1 second to 40% (80 seconds cool down and 50 Runic Power cost).



1) Dark Command

Active it to force an enemy Hero to attack Theron for 1.50 seconds (15 seconds cool down and 30 Runic Power cost)

2) Mind Freeze

Active it to blind 2 nearby enemy Hero for 1.75 second ,cause them to not take damage (18 seconds cool down and 30 Runic Power cost).

3) Asphyxiate

Active it to Stun a nearby enemy Hero for 1.5 seconds (25 seconds cool down and 40 Runic Power cost).

4) Icy Chain

Create a Chain of Ice on nearby enemy Heroes, each enemy Hero hit, will slow his movement speed by 40% for 2 seconds ,this chain bounce 2 times for 2 other Heroes (25 seconds cool down and 40 Runic Power Cost).


1)Increase Runic power are caused from Basic attack from 10 to 15 and also reduce all basic and talent (expect of trait) ability’s Runic power Cost by 5.

2)Festering Wound no longer cost Runic power and its duration is increased by 1 second.

3)Active it instantly get 50 Runic power.(30 seconds cool down).

Passive: maximum Runic Power is Increased by 20.


1)Increase Scourge Strike width area by 30% and increase it’s healing done to 100% of the damage dealt.

2)Death Strike Also heal Theron for 100% of it’s damage dealt to enemy.

3)Festering Wound also heal Theron for 75% of it’s damage dealt to enemy hero.

4)Festering Strike heal Theron for additional 10% of his maximum health over 3 seconds.


1)after using Festering Strike, your next Scourge strike deal 40% more damage and reduce cool down of next Festering Strike by 5 seconds.

Passive: reduce cool down of Festering Strike by 5 seconds.

2)Theron always release Festering Wound from himself, burn nearby enemy with Festering Wound and, while enemy are disabled with slow stun or root, this amount is increased by 50%.

3)Festering Strike no longer take 3 seconds time for his percent damage and its amount is increased to 15% of enemy Maximum Health.

Passive: reduce cool down of Festering Strike by 5 seconds.


1)While Theron is under half of maximum Runic power, he get 30% attack speed while Under 50% health he also heal for 50% of his basic attack damage to enemy.

2)Basic Attack against enemy Hero reduce cool down of Scourge Strike by 1 second.
Passive: get 25% attack speed.

3)Reduce cool down of Death Strike by 4 second, while Death Strike active, Theron become protected ,can not take damage for its duration.


1) Two in Hand
Death Grip get an additional charge and its cool down is reduced by 15 seconds.

2) Hell Defile
Increase Defile area by 30%, each time any enemy stand on Defile area, its duration is increased by 0.25 seconds.

3) Path of Frost
Active it to become un-stopple and get 30% movement speed for 1.5 seconds.

(60 seconds cool down).

4) Clawing Shadow
Active it to steal 30% of enemy Hero maximum health over 4 seconds and heal Theron for 100% of this amount.
(60 seconds cool down and 50 Runic Power cost).


I think this is a good build for a standard DK,but to be frank, but not quite so much for Darion. I would want him to either have abilities related to the Ashbringer and/or being leader of the Horseman. I made a CDC creation for him, but didnt go well critically.

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I love your Frank and fair so much as word nice. :smiley:
Horseman is not so much strong that can hold this bulid,this bulid is more proper for a Elite boss like as Darion not Horse man.
This bulid have 2 CC abilities but is not created for CC hero,I create this build is more for high damage and stability and i think darion is a character who hold it so well.

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But like, does he fight on his horse?

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well, as usual, I will give you ideas from which you could come up with something new.

I must say right away that Q and E can be applied to the same target and my suggestion is this:

Since we are making a fighter with a deviation from Dorian, we change E to … How about the death knight’s circle, or better, the “Arena Akerus” where he would have some bonuses. Not so strong that the arena would become his ultimate ability, but useful so that it would remain a good base. And at any of the levels (level 13-16), Darian chose the improvement (complete transformation) of this arena: the Circle of uncleanliness / blood / cold. That would give him something while he is in this circle. Uncleanness - your abilities impose bunkers / debuffs (reducing spell power, healing) on ​​targets touched by your abilities Cold - Slowing the run speed / silencing on targets if you deal damage to them with abilities and Blood - normal survival, vampirism from the damage done.

If you don’t know if you showed the story and essence of your hero, take a closer look at your ults and think: “Could he do this?” “Yes it looks interesting.” Before developing the idea of ​​Magraine ults, I read his story (very briefly) and looked at the 4 horsemen from Naxxramas.

So my idea is this: You can use the ultimate ability sooner or later.

Your (D) ability will be called “The Life and Death of Darian Mograine” - this will be a quest with a reward of your choice depending on what you want.


No,Darion fight as infantry,your notice will be for Baron Riven Dare that i suggest it as concept later.
and in continue for Mr lalution:
This second Idea is attractive and first is some complicated and some op,but thanks for your hint and notice.

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I have to clarify the future. All the numbers that I offer are toy. I took them, just not to write N-damage, N-auto attacks, N%. That would not confuse an already long tex.
Glad to hear that my ideas seem interesting to you.

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your idea is good,you can be good person in briuser and tank system not only healer.

I use it usefully ,I more work for a base strcuture and you work more fore suggest,your system need more summary and point.

To be honest, when I offer something for the hero, I offer what I wanted to implement in my concept. Ha-ha, but I do not despair. I offer a crude idea of abilities, showing how I would do it. And since you are making Baron Rivendare, I advise you to get acquainted with the different variations of the Baron (WoW, Heartstone, Lore) and do not be afraid to come up with abilities that seem too strong to you. No one can make a beautiful statue from a piece of stone with one blow, everything is going on gradually. The same with the balance of abilities and their changes.
Recently, I enjoy playing the Grommash game, perhaps this has increased my knowledge of the mechanics of bruises.(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\


I will get a nice thanks and reward to you cause of your help.
I Hope we can run a Hero to games together,really we can give a real Hero to Hots as our Work.


Lol. Putricide and Hobart, sitting in a tree, T H I N K I N G.

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why tree?
we are in BMW and going to front.
No problem we have another place for you Cammykins…
Putricide and Hobart and Cammykinns…
but I think CDC is more better than BMW even. lol

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What is BMW? Never heard of it.

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kind of a car,mention to advancing.
seprate of this interested fun,if you want,help us for work,we will glad.anyway thanks for that you see our work.

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Oh you meant the car lol. I’ve stepped away from doing actual concepts since my CDC concepts kinda bombed and I stick to suggestions and ideas basically. And your welcome, I like to see what people do and helping to improve/help them.


Interesting? a murloc that’s a Shadow Priest.

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Warrior Heroes,sure we need kind of this Heroes for Hots,especial a Death Knight and Grommash Hellscream.


IMO he would either be like a Varian, able to switch between Bruiser or Tank and/or has enough summoning tricks to help run the lanes.

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yes you say well,but I am thinking when we can see a Standard Death Knight in Hots?,a Warrior that can stand in long time fight with huge dealing damage become, first pick of any team,with some difficult build,better than Arthas,Varian,Garrosh,Illidan…
and in continue when I can see Grommash HellScream in Hots?,legend of all Warrior in Blizzard…


Depending on which generation of DK is used, then the specifics change drastically IMO.

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