[HC] Mayla Highmountain. Build your own totem (kinda)

Me and othera have wanted a totem centered hero for a while so heres my take on it. Mayla is a healer briuser/hybrid who does more then just summon a varity of totems. She can create the perfect totem to suit her needs at any given time.

Key word: enchantment

Abilities and talents with enchantment will give the effects fallowing to your next highmountain totem. Enchantments have their own cooldowns and can add to the cooldown of highmountain totem. The cooldown and mana costs of enchantments dont apply until the highmountain totem it has enchanted is cast. Highmountain totem can have any number of enchantments at a time but cannot have the same one twice at a time. Enchantments can be activated before their cooldown starts to unenchant highmountain totem (the cooldown, mana cost and enchantment effect will be removed as if the ability wasn’t activated in the first place).

Each totem enchantment will add a small ball of light that dim and brighten based on their effects cooldown floats around the totem so you can know its enhancements at a glance. Each enchantment has its own color.


Abilities and talents that have “enchantment” buff your next highmountain totem instead of being abilities them selves. There are also ways to distinguish the different effects put on to the totem


Over half the talents and basic abilities interact with enchantment and i diddnt want to repeat all that for every single one of them

highmountain totem

(has 2 charges cd: 3, range: 6, radius: 2.5)

Deal 75 damage to enemies in target area and summon a totem in the middle. The totem lasts for 7 seconds.
Has 2 changes and each charges cooldown is tracked separately. Both cooldowns can go at the same time.
Totem has 530 health.

Highmountain totem can be given additional effects through abilities and talents.


This ability is what her entire kit is based around. By its self its a totem that does literly nothing but any number of enchantments can be added to the totem but with a higher mana cost and cooldown for each enchantment.

totemic slam

(cd: 3.5 sec, range: 3, mana 35)

After winding up for .5 seconds, Mayla slams the area in front of her, dealing 220 damage and reducing the cooldown of both highmountain totem charges by 1 second per hero hit.


Diddnt want every ability to be a ln enchantment. And just a bit of flavor, shes slamming the ground with the massive totem she carries on her back :stuck_out_tongue:

life root

(cd: 7, range: 7, mana: 60)

Enchantment: heal the most injured ally hero by 110 every 2 seconds. Adds 4 seconds to the cooldown.


This is your main healing ability. Its efficient and has high uptime but its over time nature makes it less usefull in fights.

wind rush

(cd: 11, radius: 4, mana: 70)

Enchantment: gain an arua that gives nearby ally heroes 20% movement speed for 2 seconds. Adds 5 seconds to the cooldown.

totem golem

(cd: 50, mana: 100)

Enchantment: Totem duration is increased by 5 seconds, has 100% more health, and can now move at 60% movement and attack for 60 damage a second. Adds 12 seconds to the cooldown.

totemic recall

(cd: 20, range: 1.5, mana: 50)

Move all totems to the target area, dealing their summoning damage again and extend their durations by 5 seconds

Passive: your totems have 50% more health and totemic slam reduces highmountain totem by an additional .5 seconds


Both ultimates help your totems moveround and keep up with a more mobile fight.

Level 1

eschew materials: refund 75% of an enhancements mana cost if only 1 enchantment is used in a totem.

Super totem: totems gain 25 life for each enchantment put in to them
QUEST: useing highmountain totem permanently reduces the mana cost of each enchantment put in to it by 2%

Mana tide:(activatable, cd: 15)
enchantment: restore 1% mana to the nearest ally every 2 seconds. Adds 3 seconds to the cooldown.


Mayla’s mana problems will only get worse as she levels so some mana talents felt necessary.

Level 4

Recycle: highmountain totems cooldown is reduced by .5 for each empowerment it had.

Shockwave: a shockwave shoots out from the end of totemic slams area that deals 75 damage and reduces the cooldown of both highmountain totem charges by .5 seconds.

Natural enchantments: if highmountain totem has only 1 enchantment then the enchantments cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds

Energy totem: (activatable, cd: 10, mana 20)
Enchantment: reduce the cooldown of both highmountain totem charges by .5 seconds every 2 seconds. Adds 2 seconds to the cooldown.


Highmountain totem’s cooldown can get really huge if you stack lots of enchantments. I want to encourage totems with lots of effects so a tier of cooldown reduction also felt necessary

Level 7

Bury: totemic slam deals 10% more damage and roots enemies for .5 seconds

Tremor: (activatable, cd: 12, area: 4, mana: 60)
Enchantment: cause a mini earthquake around the totem every 2 seconds dealing 100 damage to nearby enemies. Adds 4 seconds to the cooldown.

Stake: highmountain totem gains a .5 second delay but enemies in the center of the summoning damage area take 120% more damage.


Damage talents to push you a bit more twards a briuser role

Level 13

Pillar: (cd 15, mana 40)
Enchantment: the totem has 60% more heath and 60% larger and blocks pathing. Adds 4 seconds to the cooldown.

Endurance totem: (cd 15, mana 40)
Enchantment: the totem lasts 5 seconds longer. Adds 4 seconds to cooldown.

Earth power totem: (cd 20, mana 70, radius 2, range 7)
Quakes the ground under the closest enemy hero for 1.5 seconds slowing them by 20% then the ground erupts, dealing 150 damage to enemies in the area. This occurs every 2 seconds. Adds 6 second to the cooldown.

Level 16

Life surge: (activatable, cd: 30, mana: 80, effect range: 10)
Increase life roots healing by 15%
Enchantment: every 2 seconds release a pulse of life energy, healing ally heroes for 5% of their maximum health.

Cleansing: (activatable, cd: 60, mana: 80, effect range: 7)
Enchantment: when an ally is stunned or rooted grant them unstoppable for .5 seconds and heal them for 260. This effect has s 6 second cooldown.

Earth mothers blessing: (cd: 30, mana: 30)
Enchantment: the totem gains 30% spell power for the first 7 seconds. Adds 3 seconds to the cooldown.


Cleansing sounds crazy but it can never be an instamt cleanse and cant preemptively grant unstoppable to prevent CC from happening in the first place.

Level 20

Pulverize: totemic recall’s cooldown is reduced by .5 each time the cooldown of highmountain totem is reduced and when ever an enemy is damaged by a totem 3 times with in 4 seconds they are stunned for 1 second. (The totems summoning damage and damage from enchantments both count)

Totem elemental: totem golem adds 1 second to its duration and reduces its cooldown by 1 second each time it basic attacks a hero.

The omni totem: the range and radius of all enchantments put in to highmountain totem is increased by 15% and duration by .5 seconds for each enchantment put in to highmountain totem.

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Wow. Nice! I think this would be an awesome hero to have in the Nexus, but my only personal gripe is, we don’t need another WoW Hero yet xD.

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Lol I totally agree that we have way to much warcraft. I jsut really like that universe c:
Thanks for the :heart:s

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Very well done. I see three very different ways you could play her, and they all seem like fun. I think she definitely fits in, and we need another tauren :stuck_out_tongue:
10/10 would main


A little confusing with the separate abilities but sounds really fun, having more object interactive heroes in this game would be nice. When you get the chance check out my hero submission for Zionel. Nice work!