[HC] Mandokir, Bloodlord of the Gurubashi

Bloodlord Mandokir is a very cool and memorable troll raid boss that has had two boss appearances in WoW. We have Zul’jin in the game as a representative of the forest trolls, so we naturally need to get some jungle trolls up in here. I chose this character because his chain kill characteristic was extremely unique and would be very interesting within the game. Also, he just is a cool character.

In HotS, Mandokir is a mounted melee assassin who combines lethal damage with decent self-sustain. He reaches his highest power when picking off enemies, granting him a huge power spike as he temporarily gains a new level.

Universe: Warcraft
Role: Assassin

Z (Mount) – 4 Second CD
Increases your movement speed by 30%. Mandokir remains mounted until he has been dealt 35% of his maximum health in damage, where Ohgan will die, removing this bonus movement speed. Mandokir can regain the benefits of Ohgan by using a healing fountain or by returning to the Hall of Storms. Normal healing received does not restore his Ohgan threshold.

Explanation: Mandokir is always with his raptor, Ohgan. Highly mobile, Mandokir relies on constantly refreshing Ohgan if he is dealt high damage. The amount of damage dealt to Mandokir to dismount him is based on when he mounted up. So if he had 40% health, he needs to be brought to 5% health to lose Ohgan again.

Trait (Passive)
Mandokir can pre-select his talents. When Mandokir kills an enemy hero, he gains a temporary level for 20 seconds, gaining increased stats and talents accordingly. His damage is also increased by 15%, his movement speed is increased by 5%, and he gains 5 Armor, for 8 seconds. This can stack up to 5 times.

Explanation: When I saw this character on my list, I knew I had to make him because of this trait. I really wanted to create a character that creates “kill chains.” I really wanted a character that got incredibly powerful through killing enemies, so that if he was able to get a kill, he could spiral out of control unless stopped. I made him gain temporary levels as a way to better flavor him.

Q (8 sec Cooldown)
Mandokir swipes his blade above his head and around him in a 3 unit radius arc two times over 1 second. Each revolution deals 130 (+4% per level) damage to any enemy hit and heals Mandokir by 40% of the damage dealt to enemy heroes and 10% damage dealt to non-heroic enemies.

Explanation: I wanted Mandokir to have a hard hitting AoE damaging ability which he could use to hit a bunch of enemies at once. This gives him some waveclear, and allows him to best capitalize off his increased damage from Ding! Healing was another theme I really wanted to push with Mandokir, making him somewhat sticky if he was allowed to roam freely.

W (12 sec Cooldown)
Mandokir commands Ohgan forward in a 5 unit line, dealing 200 (+4% per level) damage and slowing enemies they pass through by 50% for 2 seconds. If Mandokir is demounted, he instead strikes in the line rather than moving, and its range is decreased by 50%. This cooldown is reset on participating in a takedown.

Explanation: If Mandokir is going to be a chain killer, he needs a way to move about. I thought this ability would be flavorful and add some extra utility to him as he rushes through enemies and slows, them comboing with his Bloodletting. If he is dismounted, however, he loses all of his mobility, weakening him greatly.

E (12 sec Cooldown)
Mandokir commands Ohgan to leap 2 units in a target direction. If he hits an enemy, they are dealt 120 (+4% per level) damage and Mandokir is healed by 80 (+4% per level). The damage and healing dealt are directly proportional to the enemy’s missing health, increasing by 2.5% per 1% health the enemy is missing. If Mandokir is demounted, this is melee range and does not heal Mandokir. This healing restores Ohgan’s threshold as well.

Explanation: Devour’s purpose is two-fold. First of all, it serves an an excellent way to secure kills and push him into his chain kill state. This can hit extremely hard if the enemy is low health, easily breaking through shields. A character like Johana could lose about half of her health if she is using Indestructible and is at 1 health with her shield. The second purpose is to offer Mandokir even more healing if he manages to stay on Ohgan.

Heroic #1 (60 sec Cooldown)
Mandokir rushes forward 4 units quickly after a .25 second delay, and instantly decapitates the first enemy Hero he impacts, killing them from any health, but only granting .5 of a kill. Enemies that grant .25 of a kill still grant .25 of a kill. Upon killing the enemy, a Chained Spirit appears above their corpse, which will channel over 3 seconds and then revive them with health equal to the health they had when they died.

Explanation: Decapitate has a myriad of uses, and even though simple at first glance, it is a truly complex ability. First of all, Decapitate allows Mandokir to start his chain killing, giving him a free boost in stats thanks to Ding! In addition to that, he removes an enemy from combat for 4 seconds, proving that death is indeed the best CC. He can use this on a high health target for a free kill, or a low health target to set up for a double kill on the same enemy. The bonus experience for your team is not bad, either.

Blessing of Blood
Heroic #2 (30 sec Cooldown)
(Passive) Ohgan is reanimated as a skeletal raptor, unable to die by Mandokir taking damage. If Ohgan falls below his health threshold, however, his granted movement speed is reduced to 15%, from 30%. This can be restored like normal.
(Active) Manokir drains the blood out of an enemy over 4 seconds, dealing 75 (+4% per level) damage every second and healing him by 100% of the damage done. Mandokir cannot basic attack or use Bloodletting while this is active.

Explanation: Aften looking at Decapitate, why would anyone take anything else? Well, having Ohgan permanently is a pretty good start. No more being scared to lose a huge amount of your abilities. The active offers a fairly low cooldown high damage skill that comes attached to a good amount of healing. If you want a well-rounded character, this can be your option to make you far harder to kill and far better at offering utility for your team.

Tier 1

• Bloodied Bladework: Mandokir gains 15% increased attack speed, and if he kills an enemy, this bonus increases by 15% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. If Mandokir kills an enemy Hero, he gains max stacks.
• Healthy Snack: Using Devour on a minion or catapult instantly destroys it and grants Mandokir a 100 (+4% per level) health shield for 3 seconds.
• Mounted Combatant: While mounted on Ohgan, Mandokir can basic attack while moving.

Tier 2

• Wicked Strikes: Every basic attack increases the damage of the next Bloodletting by 5%, maxing at 200% increased damage.
• Quick Kill: For determining the damage of Devour, the enemy’s health is considered up to 25% lower.
• Rampaging Conquest: After using Conquest, your next Bloodletting within 3 seconds will slow all enemies hit by 30% for 1 second.

Tier 3

• Oh, Gone!: When Mandokir is riding Ohgan and falls below 25% health, he gains an additional 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds. This also activates if Ohgan dies. This has a 60 second cooldown.
• Blood Magic: When Mandokir is healed by any means, he gains 10% increased movement speed for 2 seconds. This cannot stack, but can refresh.
• Leaping Strike: Devour while demounted has normal range and still allows Mandokir to rush along the line, and Devour while mounted has a 25% increased range.

Tier 4

• Decapitate: Mandokir rushes forward 4 units quickly and instantly decapitates the first enemy Hero he impacts, killing them from any health. Upon killing the enemy, a Chained Spirit appears above their corpse, which will channel over 3 seconds and then revive them with health equal to the health they had when they died.
• Blessing of Blood: (Passive) Ohgan is reanimated as a skeletal raptor, unable to die by Mandokir taking damage. If Ohgan falls below his health threshold, however, his granted movement speed is reduced to 15%, from 30%. This can be restored like normal. (Active) Mandokir drains the blood out of an enemy over 4 seconds, dealing damage every second and healing him by 100% of the damage done. Mandokir cannot basic attack or use Bloodletting while this is active.

Tier 5

• Vampiric Blade: Mandokir’s basic attacks heal him for 35% of the damage he deals. After basic attacking an enemy Hero 3 times while at full health, Ohgan is restored if previously dead.
• Dying Day: If either of Bloodletting’s swings deal damage to an enemy Hero under 30% health, Mandokir will swing an additional time after .5 seconds, dealing 100% increased damage and healing him for 100% of the damage dealt. If Mandokir kills an enemy Hero and Ohgan is dead, Ohgan is revived.
• Hakkar’s Hunger: Devour now heals Mandokir even if dismounted. In addition, if Devour heals Mandokir for 25% of his maximum health, it restores Ohgan to his side if he was dead.

Tier 6

• Tenderizing Strikes: Every time Mandokir basic attacks an enemy Hero while riding Ohgan, Devour and Conquest’s cooldowns are decreased by .75 seconds.
• Bloodsport: If Bloodletting hits at least two enemy heroes, the cooldown is decreased by 3 seconds. Bloodletting naturally has a 25% increased radius.
• End Game: While past level 20, all temporary levels grant Mandokir double the usual stat bonus.

Tier 7

• Blood Watch: After killing an enemy with Decapitate, Mandokir enters a blood trance for 3 seconds, and if any enemy Hero near him falls below 25% health, he will use Decapitate for free on them.
• Consume the Flesh: Blessing of Blood now deals all damage instantly, and its cooldown is decreased by 25%.
• Zanzil’s Elixir: If Mandokir is slain, he will resurrect after 3 seconds with full health, but lose 5% of his health every second until he either gets a kill or dies again, where he dies normally. This has a 30 sec Cooldown.
• Progression: Temporary levels granted by Ding! now last until Mandokir is killed, and the maximum stacks is increased by 5.


Alright, I don’t really know the character but I guess I can give some feedback on the abilities.

Ohgan-Z (Mount)

The special mount idea is nice one and there are clear ups and downs to it. My only suggestion is that if Mandokir gets back up to full health he can summon Ohgan just so that he doesn’t need to hearth as often.


Kill chains inherently cause snowballing but Ding! seems mostly balanced (enemy can retreat). Overall I’m not a fan of this type of heroes but ok.

Bloodletting Q

Solid damage and sustain tool. Not thing to add really.

Conquest W

Nice movement tool and the mount interaction makes it interesting.

Devour E

Additional sustain plus a finisher ability that goes well with his theme. Maybe keep the healing when Ohgan is dead just decrease it. It could also serve as a way to regain Ohgan.


Now I understand how this ult enables Mandokir to get going but I have to say that it seems super uninteractive and would become source of mayor complaints. Additionaly it could enable other snowbally heroes not just Mandokir.

Blessing of Blood

The passive component is huge removing one of Mandokir’s main weaknesses. Only even crazier first ult prevents it from becoming must pick.
The active part is okay maybe could be buffed a little bit.

The concept is certainly fresh with new mechanic but I personally would fear a second Butcher. Only the mount balances that out a little by encouraging more save playstyle.

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Thanks for the feedback Marrossi! I can certainly see why you are concerned, but I don’t think it’s fair to compare him to Butcher, who holds a lot of long term power from his kills, allowing the snowball to happen. I would more consider him in line with Li Ming, who can chain kills together effectively using her passive.

I reworked both of the heroics to make them a bit more interactive, and easier to get around. While they both still maintain incredible power, I think it plays into his character power progression quite nicely, being weaker early on. I could touch upon his numbers earlier if they seem a bit strong. I also touched up his Tier 5 talents to make Ohgan’s restoration easier to smooth out his gameplay a bit, making him less of an all or nothing character and reducing his inactivity time.

I agree that he is less snowbally then Butcher but even Li-ming is somewhat underpowered to compensate for her trait. I would just be tricky to balance him.

On the other hand Decapitate is just bad design. It has zero counter play, is pretty much the hardest CC in the game and it grants free exp. IMO it would just be used on cooldown for the exp alone. Plus multiple heroes have bonus for kill component somewhere in their kit and Mandokir would just empower them a lot.
I’m not sure how the ability could be changed and I understand its importance in his kit.

I know the ability is a very hard to create ability, as instantly killing an enemy can be quite a powerful effect. I have taken a second pass through the ability, allowing him to miss the ability, and reducing the experience he and his team gain from their death. I think how he interacts with other characters that gain power on enemy kills is quite interesting, and would offer a unique interaction between him and those characters. The fact it is gated behind a heroic should smooth this out, and I doubt many problems would arise. It would, of course, require in vivo testing to decide.

I want to play this character so bad.

Back in the days of Vanilla Wow, he was the only boss in the raids that made our guild laugh while he was wiping us. xD