Hanzo is overpowered

Man Hanzo doesn’t have mobility. Just one D and you must leave the battle, if you don’t, you will die (heroes, such as tracer, genji, nova, samuro can easily kill him) he has no mobility. I have played him a lot, and can say he is not that hero, which u see

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Your first post is a necro? WP


Hanzo and Medivh will never have even mediocre winrates in leagues below Diamond due to the skill curve of these heroes. Mastering these heroes to their full potential is much more complex than mastering a hero like Raynor or Valla.


And the sky is blue…

Only problem is his mana costs…
His Q deals a lot of dmg for 15 mana like whatthehell


Hanzo is not the problem, the problem is his arrow it follows you man.

Really only Orphea can be considered strong in that list

First off, Hanzo’s winrate is 3% below average in Diamond/Masters. Medivh is about average. Hanzo is less bad, and Medivh is okay.

Secondly, if you want to fix the issue of a hero being much better in high levels of play than in low levels, you don’t do that by just nerfing or just buffing them. That’s how we got Chen and Tassadar’s current states.

Instead, you have to apply targeted nerfs and buffs to their kit to shrink that difference. You nerf only the parts that are overperforming and buff the parts that are underperforming.

A great example of this was Samuro’s recent nerf. Regardless of how you feel about it, it did what it was intended to do: reduce his high-level dominance while leaving his low-level state largely untouched. By slightly nerfing the ult that only the most skilled players were picking, they managed to reduce the impact those players could make down to much more reasonable levels without hurting lower level players ability to contribute.

Hanzo is anything but OP. In fact he’s more broken than OP, and need serious rework.

This! I hate that every new hero in this gae do not have mana problems.

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Qhira, Illidan etc. any assasin hero with gap closer is able to easily take him down…

He only gets strong if you let him do his training quest by hitting each player 1 to 3 times if theres 1 he never hits then his damage is significantly lower… take an Abathur for example and it screws him up.

plenty who can chase him and he has no mobility left after using that one vault and thats assuming you let him use it.



Hanzo still needs nerfs. Funnily enough a thread this old is still highly relevant


Were is Xul when we need him. More and more topics get necroed.


Hanzo is an assassin, by extension he depends on the teams compositions and peel, without it, he’s trash.

Despite having received some nerfs, they still do not seem to be enough, I also think they should lower the damage of the Q a little, considering the great range that it has and some of the W and it would look good.

Man, couldn’t you have just left this thread dead? Now you’ve reminded Fail that Hanzo exists, so he just has to start whining about him again.

Seriously, the mods/Discourse should just enable that auto-lock function that locks threads after a certain period of time without being responded to. I think 2 months would be reasonable.


Thy only change I would do:
Make Explosive Arrows a second reward of his lvl 1 Q quest (the loss of 100 dmg from current second reward won’t hurt good players who knows how to land AA+Q+AA combo) and give him a new lvl 4 talent.

The problem with Hanzo is his insane range, utility, ultimate and escape.
Blizzard never had a feeling for broken basekits which ruin the game. Since Hanzo is out he is basically part of every single master game. Picked or banned therefore.

The same happened with Qhira but since she is a melee is much easier to balance.

Hanzo is very hard to balance, since he is already trash in lower leagues (mainly because of your allies) and S-tier in the highest level. He needs a rework to be balanced and to make other heroes like Valla, Zuljin or whatever a valid alternative on the ranged position. At the moment he is basically the best.

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Average winrate in Silver+Bronze is ~47%. Hanzo’s Silver+Bronze winrate is currently 43.9%, 3.1% below average.

Average overall winrate is exactly 50%. Hanzo’s overall winrate is currently 45.9%, 4.1% below average.

Average winrate in Masters is ~60%. Hanzo’a winrate in Masters is currently 52.9%, 7.1% below average.

As you go up the Ranks, Hanzo gets worse, not better, because his success depends more on his opponents skill than his own.

I would take a skilled Valla or Zul’jin main on my team over an equivalent Hanzo main literally 100% of the time.
Hell, looking at Zul’jin’s winrate right now, he’s probably the one who needs some nerfs.

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