Grandmasters...Please give me tips! (Diamond and Masters fine too!)

Hey all!

I’m after tips on how to climb ranks. I feel like I am stuck in plat, every time I get placed it’s always in plat. Sometimes I feel like I genuinely lose because my team makes consistently bad calls but I learnt a while ago to always try to look at what you can do better, regardless of overall outcome… eg… I lost the last two games, I know I made some bad plays and will remember to not make mistakes similar again.

What are some solid tips that can help me improve enough to get out of plat? I’ve been watching a lot of Fan on youtube lately and it seems regardless of who he plays he just owns.

Thanks in advance guys!

I am in plat and I can tell you what you have to do. You can not solo que at all, A solo que in diamond 4 and under is often gonna match you with players that just do whatever they feel like and thus will lose a ton of games. Add players in games who preform well and always part in at least 3 man groups otherwise you will just lose over and over again.

Diamond 5 here right now, though I managed to get to 4000 master in Team League (solo queue) before it closed, and in low Master in Hero League and Storm league too.

First of all. You CAN solo queue (it is what I do the most, since 2015 or so). But you have to consider these points.

-First of all. DRAFT. You must ask yourself these questions. What map are you playing? Is it a soak oriented big map such as Temples? or a fight focused like Volskaya? What heroes are strong there? Make sure your team will have enough soak, and a hero to push hard when enemy is unaware (Sylvanas, Azmodan, Probius, Jaina… but only if that hero fits your team comp AND enemy comp).

-Brawl at mid lane at start: don’t do it if enemy comp is strong at early (garrosh, tracer, etc…), you have strong wave clear / siege at start (sylvanas, azmodan, probius, hammer) or enemy have lots of quest to stack (thrall, zuljin…). There is no reason to fight at start if you won’t get much value from it and enemy does. It does work the other way around too. If your team does have those synergies, you can force fight, but be aware of siege heroes such as sylvanas, and leave mid fast if they start soaking other lanes.

-Best way to rank higher, at least for me, is a hero who can double soak AND destroy at teamfights alike. Leoric, xul (i dont play him), blaze, and, in my particular case, Jaina (yes, she is great double soaker, and can gank most enemies alone when lv10, even someone like Arthas).

-Mercenaries. Try to do them on good timing. There must be good guides for that in internet. Only note I will make here: Mercenaries in dispute: please, dont overcommit. No need to lose a teamfight for a mercenary that won’t do much if you get it at the cost of losing half your team, and lose objetctive for that. Or even lose the obj. Only try that if your team is next to you, and you have strong zoning skills (Deathwing, Mages, a tanky Johanna to hold point…).

-MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOVE ALL: Communication and attitude. From draft to end (even when losing), speak with your team. Try to follow main tank pings, and if you think he does it wrong, say it polite, bring alternatives to table. You must play Hots in proactive mode. This is a team-based game with share exp. Act like it (if you don’t) or improve it (everyone can improve there, at least me). And please, dont spamm “gg” at first lose fight. I recently saw that in half the games at diamond, and those people only show 50 IQ or being 12 years old.

-Try your best, always. Even when your team is losing, you can turn tides to your side. If moral is low on your team, some words on how to improve should help. Very related to point above. Don’t flame or accuse people with reports, it won’t help. Even when someone trolled at draft and you don’t have either heal or tank. I won so many ranked games withouth those two to know, if people play in good mood, there is always a winning chance. I know is hard, but there is no better way to win. Remember you are playing not only against real people, but also WITH real people.

Ask anything you want to know further, and don’t take my post as the holy bible. See you,… on the nexus.


I’ve been in GM since the game came out, and managed to bring smurfs up through plat hell & have a few smurfs in masters now. I suggest:

  1. play with your team, instead of trying to “make the sick play and show everyone how wrong/dumb they are for doubting you”.

  2. it’s possible to “carry” in many ways, not only as the high damage character on the team. Pick a role that you like & learn how to play that “as close to flawless” as you can. Some heroes have super high skill caps (much higher than you might expect at first glance). For example, if you play a healer the way grandmasters play healers, against plat enemies, your team is going to “surprise you” with what they manage to do, even while down levels.

  3. Start the game in the draft, not the fountain. Team composition matters as much as player skill - communicate nicely, make suggestions. Have a few picks that you can play “great”, know when they are appropriate, hover them early.

The most important thing is you have to do everything yourself without relying on the others:

  1. Take the camps before the event.
  2. Clean the lines and press them.
  3. Kill enemy heroes - gunking, roaming.
  4. Try not to die.
  5. Keep an eye on the mini-map at all times.

Based on all this, take those heroes who are equally good at doing all the above things.

P.s. It’s easier for everyone to get up in a team of five.

I find teams of 4 better cause you usually get matched against randoms instead of other premades. But the rest of this info is correct. The biggest thing is dont feed and focus soak and camps at the proper time, also dont play heroes you know little to nothing about.

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