Good lord, this game is trash

actually, it’s easier just to make several accounts.

the problem with the reporting in HoTs is the community decides what to report - it’s fundamentally flawed and doesn’t work

No the reason there isn’t a surrender option is because unlike certain other MOBA’s this one does not have a scaling system that is impossible to come back from

And because many players like myself would rather go out like the Chasseurs Arrdenais then go out like a wee B****

QM is based on a 50% win rate match making system. It results in a guaranteed 1 sided match for both parties. It does however let you know when to not try to hard before you will get a win.

Actually that is false. You will get bad players no matter what, regardless of winrate.
It looks at roles, not winrate.

You can also just cheese your winrate in VS AI if you believe in that conspiracy.

Honestly, Gira was unnecessary. She didn’t need to be added, and neither did other characters exclusive to Heroes of the Storm. The game didn’t need these newer characters that have no history or lore.

Just give us more characters from familiar franchises. We didn’t ask for Qira, we asked for the likes of Anduin, Whitemane, Artanis, and fem-Diablo. We didn’t ask for Qira.

i’d share your same mentality if blizzard actually fixed their matchmaking and giving teams real players rather than putting apes against clowns

id LOVE to go out in a blaze of glory but matchmaking makes me want to go next as fast as possible at times

The matchmaker has nothing to do with whether or not you want to make your final stand it’s the attitude of a quitter

Actually, QM is based indirectly on a 50% winrate. Your comment about when you get bad players doesn’t relate at all to the point you quote. Also, you can’t cheese your winrate in AI, as those games don’t count toward QM or ranked, both of which have their own mmr.

But, I like that you just assert whatever comes into your head as if you know it :slight_smile:

Well, yes I agree in part.

The problem is, there is a 9/10 chance that the quitter isn’t you, but someone else.

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I don’t think you understand what 50% means. If same 10 players keep playing games in random team combinations over the day, the overwhelming majority is expected to end up at 50% unless two or more players are drastically different in skill level.

You can easily group up with a friend or two to bump your overall win percentage in quick play to at least 65%.

When you keep winning against weaker players, are you really improving or having fun? You’ll inflate your win rate and eventually when you start playing equal players, your stats drop back to 50%.

If you are accusing me of not understanding math, I bet you actually don’t fully understand what 50% means lol. I probably wrote the book from which you learned math. Percents aren’t magic.

What you probably didn’t learn is that they are literally just a ratio expressed more commonly as a decimal adjusted figure.

In easy mode, 50 percent is just 50 per 100. If people just converted all percentages into fractions with 100 as the denominator, they’d be way better at percentages . . . anyway.

You shift from percentages into probabiliy, ironically just after telling someone they don’t understand percentages, when I think you meant probability. Meh, unclear thinking is the saviour of the weak minded.

The “unless two or more players” part is nonsense. There are likely two or more players of drastically different skill level in every game. Matchmaking attempts to create teams of equal TOTAL mmr, which fundamentally requires that skill levels be different.

As a side note, if the matchmaker matched completely on near equall mmrs, I bet it would produce more balanaced games. But, it doesnt’ workt that way, which is why bronze players get put with gold.

You also claim people will “end up a 50%”, which is pretty vague. I’m assuming you mean a 50% winrate, from context. That you aren’t clear about your qualifier tends to demonstrate that you don’t really understand what percentages are, . . but again . . .

Your last paragraph is an illogical mess. Am I subjectivly having fun trouncing other teams, . . . maybe, are you? Irrelevant to your post though.

Then you claim by playing equal players, your stats will drop??? I don’t think you know what equal means. If you are playing equal players, you will stay right where you are, me thinks.

So, this whole post is to say to you . . . maybe don’t be so arrogant and start your post with an ironic comment on someone else’s understanding. Particularly when your thinking is so dang poor.

Has this been confirmed? I have not seen any developer comments about this.
If you could prove me wrong, go ahead.

However from my experience people say stuff like this in all MOBAs, like LOL and Dota 2.

Thanks, I like your tin foil hat.

Is that empty smack talk or you can link a title? :smirk:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the pride got the best of him and he goes for the hat trick by doxxing himself. Would be nothing short of expected from someone that believes the game is working against him to keep their stats at 50%.

Have you considered growing a backbone and not be offended by everything you don’t like?

Kids these days have no emotional fortitude.

If you want to give up your rights and have some higher power cover your eyes for you; maybe don’t even use the internet and move to a communist country…

Trying to gag people on a video game is ludicrous and un-American. Use your mute/block features if you can’t handle people’s criticisms; so you can live in your illusion that everyone likes you and everything you do is right.

Will agree here… don’t agree with those below J. Allen Brack and Activision, however. Frankly, I’ve been amazed ever since J. Allen Brack decided to strangle this game in its sleep after Blizzcon last year… that the Devs still working on Hots are doing as good of a job as they’re still doing.

I can’t think for you, no. However, mmr uses a “baseline” and tries to match teams based on equal mmr. Statistically, that means 50% of your games will be a bit higer, and the other half a bit lower, and the mmr will always try to return you to the middle.

Indirect 50%. It just takes a basic understanding of what the mmr is doing, and common sense. Could it be wrong, sure, but I bet it isn’t.

lol, it’s not that it’s “working against you”. who is wearing the tin foil hat?

it’s just basic common sense . . .

here’s an idea, why don’t you descirbe an mmr system that doesn’t try to baseline you at 50%, and tell how the hell it actually knows how to adjust you? does it baseline at 60% expecting all players to have a 60% win rate in a closed system?

I agree, however that isn’t the reality of HoTs, a game where defensive teens can ban you because you said “do the obj”.

I had an account silenced then banned, for literally just trying to give tips.

Guess how many other games I’ve had any action whatsoever taken against me? In 30 years of online gaming, . . . . ZERO other games ever. In fact, ZERO interaction of any kind whatsoever.

But somehow, “do the obj” is so offensive in HoTs you’ll get silenced.

This game encourages minimal fortitude, and minimal self responsibility.

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Same story for me champ. It’s ludicrous.