Give Genji back some of his damage

Genji was nerfed into the ground quite some time ago because he was picked too often by pros in HGC. Ultimately the final nerf, the auto attack range reduction, is what ended up killing the Genji meta. I think he is a very fun hero to play with a very creative kit but he still has the feel of having been balanced for this bygone era when HGC was the defining thing. When it’s not in an environment where all 10 players are extremely good at the game and both teams are on comms, the hero is sub-par at best, and I think that this could be fixed without the need to give him back the auto attack range. Instead I think the developers should give him back some of the damage on his E and his Q. What do you think?

i think that they made genji from a ADC to a situational pick as his kit was intended.

He was nerfed to the ground because of his kit. He’s an asn with an extremely high amount of mobility with a protect, and to top it off, he’s ranged. He would’ve been in this situation whether or not he was played in HGC. The hero needs a complete overhaul. I doubt they buff him because of how powerful he is in the right hands, even today. It wouldn’t take much for him to get back in to the same negative state he was in beforehand where he was #1 ban across the board from Bronze to Masters. I doubt you will see any buffs come to him until they rework him, and if they do, it’s going to be tiny so he doesn’t take over the game like he did beforehand.