Getting matched with 2x solo que support heroes

So has anyone els experince this before. Second game in a few weeks now that qm match me with two sup heroes in a raw. Both games was lost

Second game it was 70/30 to enemy team that ofc ends up getting Butcher and Qhira while we only have Xul as only frontline and Zarya to shield him and Vikings to split push and me as only dmg dealer as Mephisto againts a hard dive team.

QM always only gave one team one sup hero so why does it suddenly now put two sup heroes on the same and team now ??? and before you ask me no they where not on the same team. Both Zarya and Vikings were solo players.

If this is something we gonna see more of in the future then I will just dodge every game from now now on. Its pointless time waste really. Its fells like matchmaker now intentionally troll those teams who get them now.

Two sup heroes on the same team is overkill and will most likely force lose you into loss.

I get it if they both were on the same team but in both games they were not.

Both game both sup heroes were solo que but matchmaker somehow still think its fair game so whatever man. So what is next ??? Force 3 solo healers into same team next time.

One sup hero for each team should be enough so why even give a team two now ? No matter what it was fun losing both games and just proves to me that MM is getting more and more dumb.

You might be right, because supports tends to be rather hard compared to other hero roles and since the avg. player isn’t good at this heroes it’s kinda naturally that you lose with double support. But I wouldn’t say it’s a general rule, because support heroes are also kinda multiclass heroes.

And Xul and Zarya should be able to stand The Butcher and Qhira, because Xul can be an off-tank and Zarya is bruiser-ish too. And if Vikings is good you should have be ahead in exp all the time… but it seems they werent so we are back what I said first. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been matched with zarya’s before, but never the other 2 when playing vikings, I have a feeling she’s either just alot more popular or just shoved into the tank catagory instead (which from my limited knowledge of zarya would make sense to me, but I don’t play her so idk).

thing about support heroes is there really is no disadvantage to having multiple, they don’t really have a niche that is encompassed by the role, zarya is sort of a weird tank, viking is lane macro, abathur is teamfight macro and medivh is a weird magic man. Vikings should have been able to do fine as long as you managed to shutdown the qhira if they tried to E Q W a viking, and butcher at 13 is worthless against any viking with half a brain, they predominantly are dive heroes anyways so the opponent doing the whole diving thing for them tends to work out in there favor.

I haven’t ever encountered two support heroes together on the US server, at least not when they were queued solo. That’s a real aberration, especially so on the EU server and encountering it twice in a 3 week span.

Perhaps Dr. Logan and Zare’s enthusiastic posts regarding TLV and supports in general (I know Dr. Logan, Abathur is the exception) has rubbed off on the playerbase?

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It only happen twice. But it still confuse me what the reason is to match two solo sups together.

First time it took me by surprice but second time it felt more like something has gone wrong.

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Try Unranked. It’s better than QM and you can give the community extra player.

I’ve stopped QM two years ago due OP hero picks and unfair composition of heroes. I play only Ranked and Unranked. The most balanced modes.

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Froggy might be able to use your suggestion, I think the queues for URD might be okay in the EU? URD is basically dead on the US server. Personally I’d either play QM or Ranked over URD. URD has all the annoying aspects of both QM and Ranked IMO.

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