Gazlowe is a bit way overtuned

So I’m not sure what changes he needs, even if it’s just small numbers tweaks to meet his recent buffs halfway, but he is way too powerful.

He seems to be tuned just right when you go Robogaz, but Grav-o-bomb 3000 just decides way too many fights.

But, like I said, I’m not sure what tweaks need to happen, but he really can’t be left in this state.

(Just so you know, this comes from a player who LOVES Gazlowe and has him in his top most played heroes)


Just nerf the bomb? 20 char

It’s not just Grav-o-bomb though. It’s when it’s combined with the rest of his kit that it becomes too much.

It used to be a difficult combo to land when Explodium was the full 3 seconds, but now it’s landed very easily on a large chunk of the team.

I think he needs changes across his kit, but I’m not sure if it’s just a numbers pass or not.

I certainly don’t want him to become like D.Va or Tassadar where he’s nerfed into obscurity and never touched again.


Just nerf his hp and his lazer. Also being able to bomb twice in a raw at lvl 20 sound op big time.

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Grav bomb has always decided fights. Bomb, grav, bomb was brutal and gg everytime so long as you landed your grav right. It is supposed to, just like mosh, ice circle etc.

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Yes, but now that the rest of his kit is strong the Explodium / Grav / Lazer combo can not only stun the entire team, but deal a substantial amount of damage as well.

Before, this combo was impossible to pull off, now it’s done with ease.

It’s like KTZ on steroids but with less skill involved.

It’s not just damage numbers, explodium charge cast time is too low. Big game hunter gives too much cd reduction. The rockit shield on 4 is too big. I could go on.

He is fundamentally broken with the amount of buffs he was given and almost all those high performance talents need to be brought down hard so he becomes closer to 50% win rate.

Explodium + gravo is also a no brain combo now which anyone can pull off with no planning at all.

And Superior Schematics on 13 is simply too strong, it shouldn’t do 75% of the turret dmg to nearby enemies. It should maybe attack 1 extra target for 50-60%.

Ark Reaktor on 16… Combined with his normal turrets, those mini turrets add so much damage to Gazlowe a hero like him isn’t supposed to have.

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No it is factually not. It was unusable before, now it’s in a perfect spot.

So now you decide to complain about Big Game Hunter “providing too much cd reduction”? Why didn’t you complain about this talent when Gazlowe just received his rework? Was it because he was underpowered and simply wasn’t in the spotlight? Where were you all this time?

I think it’s just fine. It’s only good because with 12 scrap (w/ BGH), you can have an effective 645 shield at level 0. With It’s Raining Scrap, turrets only cost 3 scrap, which means you can gain a maximum of 860 shields. If we increase Gazlowe’s scrap to 12 baseline, then we should totally reduce Rock It Sock It’s shield amount from 215 to 200 (at max).

PIcking any other talent causes Rock It Sock It’s value to be massively degraded since you don’t have CDR from BGH to constantly regain turrets to spam shields.

I struggle to understand what could possibly make you think this talent is so strong? Like what?

So ridiculous that you might not outrun it if he manages to aim it dead center on your character. Either the cdr on level 1 or Goblin Fusion needs a slight nerf. One big advantage is how turrets automatically focus heroes rather than prioritise the target based on proximity is part of the reason why he is so powerful. Split attack target turrets are also imbalanced because they outrange structures. It all adds up. Many debuffs such as attack speed or damage reductions are completely insignificant because turrets are separate entities. He doesn’t seem to suffer from any kind of counter.

Laser is kind of bonkers. It’s actually worth standing still and hitting ppl attacking you with your laser. So much lifegain.

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That’s why something needs to be done about him. I love that one of my favorite heroes is strong and worth playing, but he’s a bit too strong right now.

Last patch gazno was so squishy for a bruiser. He was a bruiser that needed a fellow bruiser in addition to the standard tank to have 3 total frontliners on the team. And even then, his laning was garbage

Played against him and an Abby and he was obnoxious man with all his bombs, hard hitting ults, and lasers which are more difficult to dodge now and provide too much sustain.

Ark reaktor has 64% wr and 62% pop on 16, are u silver?

Laser is much lower win rate and barely picked.

And no he isn’t a balanced hero atm… He is #1 far above others by overall wr

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the smaller AOE + shorter CD is probably the singular best change in the rework.

But yeah, I don’t know how weak it was statistically from rework, but the amount of buffs and size of the buffs they threw at his was ridiculous.

I know that the developers are fine letting heroes who haven’t been in the meta get gradually nerfed when they’re strong, instead of dumping them down off the charts. . . but a hero getting this amount and level of buffs (same with Cassia’s buffs (Also iirc opinion was Cassia was weak (which she was)) seems not good either.