Game time ! guess the feeder!

True. I usually backup my Buttcher when I play tank; I usually try to keep the Buttcher alive when I play a healer. It is usually those two classes that provide backup for the Buttcher.

Oh, wait. It is tankless, healingless QM. So~~~~everyone fight for themselves and on their own turn and ignore teammate.


I love how you write Buttcher :rofl:


here is a cookie for everyone ! :smiley:




not you :upside_down_face:



he did “shared” the few meat he has gotten from minions lol




sometimes he would actually die by minions becasue he just stood still or walked into the towers lol


ill be generous :smiley:

everyone !


repeatedly walking INTO enemy towers might had been a sign lol


here is a koo-key for you :sunglasses:


Which league are we talk about beyond bronze 5? :rofl:

It was in QM.
But the salt level was definitely grand master salt.
" i died first , so everyone else on my team will lose then!!"
That kind of mentality :joy:


I heard you were giving out cookies!

Am I too late?

i dont mind, but you got to check the screen shot and guess that butcher was the one who fed all game. once that done, ill give ya a cookie :smiley: !

so based on the screenshot… who do you think was the feeder that game :open_mouth: ?


Just looking at the amount of deaths, I would’ve gotten frustrated with just 3. So I’ll go with Butcher.

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Me and Harbinder just had a curse hollow map were whole team quit after 2 lost objects but also because their russain dw never came to object

Game ended after only 9 min.

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Some great deductive skills you got there :smiley:!
Here is your cookie !


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