Game slowed after a new patch

After the recent patch, game speed slowed down considerably. It’s not just the occasional lag - it’s impossible to play. My operational system and internet connections are fine, besides I never had this problem before. What can I do?

I recommend describing if by “slowed” you mean you are suffering very low frame rate or that the actual in game simulation speed has slowed down but frame rate is fine.

Low framerate will be caused by either performance problems with your system, or an unreliable internet connection between you and the HotS servers. Slowed down simulation speed would be a server problem as outside of try mode the HotS servers are responsible for the game speed in any normal match and such slow down will affect all other players in the game with you.


Hello! Thank you for your reply

I believe it must be the first option since other players don’t seem to be affected by this issue (I tried 2 games since this problem started).

Thank you for pointing out the direction for me, I will try to check for system problems and internet connection troubleshooting

Hey NonCon,

While in-game you can hit Ctrl+Alt+F to see FPS and latency numbers in the top left, which should help in figuring out exactly what the “slow down” is. Look for low FPS or high latency.

If ends up being a performance issue (low FPS) I’d recommend the steps in this article: