Forum problem - all posts r gone?!

Just login to report in-game bug and realized that all my posts r gone.
I do have only 3 (!!!) posts, two of which from today and one from December last year (???). Even better - in my profile it shows me that I was joined Dec 11, ‘18.
Any ideas on what is goin’ on?
I’ve been playing HOTS since beginning and been posting here since then.
My so-called “trust level” was high enough to let me post links.
And now I have nothing???

P.S. Been trying to login into WoW forums (been playing since vanilla beta till the end of pandas) and it shows me I have 0 posts and joined a min ago…

The old forums were closed and anything related to it have stayed there, everyone starts fresh here with 0 posts.

May I ask when did that happened? 'Cos I was talking 'bout last few years, even less.

October 1st, 2018.

Wow… And you were able to write 6K posts in less than 6 months???
What lvl of Mega Troll you are?!

Just kidding.
But, to be honest, I don’t remember ANY changes on my account, at least in November-December last year. And I’ve been posting a lot - not like you a lot, but few messages per week is more than enough for me now… And they all gone too.