Force GM to play 10 games a week or decay

In the top 20 GMS 12 of them have less than 60 wins. Make GMs continually prove their rank to still be considered top players, and help reduce the number of people with multiple accounts in GM. This will help match making by forcing good players to actually play on their high ranked accounts, and make the leaderboard more accurate. Accounts who play 5 games a month should not be Grandmaster.


Do this with all players. Sorry i should have players who have not logged into the game for even qm in over a year and have them be treated as if they were diamond. If you do not play the game, you should lose MMR period.

I am pretty sure the GMs are GM players not because they play a lot, but because they actually know how to play well. I have seen players with hundreds of games played every month who still play like trash.

If they really were as bad at playing as this topic makes out, then they would be losing every single game so have 0 wins and quickly not be GM anymore.


That’s pretty much how it is… Playing 1 game adds 1 day to prevent rank decay. So if you’re above diamond5, you do need to play a minimum of 7 games a week to not have rank decay.
I think that’s too much, but whatever. Playing 30 games a month is not that hard I guess, I just wish you could stack it to more than 30 days.

I agree, the rank should decay for all players and not only for the top ones.


this would cause “bronze hell” for those complaining about it, to become even worse.

yeah, I’d take out bronze from the decay… is not even a rank isn’t it? Because it’s lower than a non-placed player anyway.

Not only GM … all Division Gold to GM ! 10 Games/week or 25 per month.