First placement match sabotaged by a troll. Any chance on reverting this?

During draft there was a ChoGall in our team. The troll said he didn’t want them to play ChoGall and kept complaining his hero was banned. All the time he kept saying he would keep dying in the towers. We asked him to leave and he just go on threatening and complaining.

During match it was the same. Even though we try to reason with him, he just goes straight to towers, all the time complaining about the same things and asking other players to report ChoGall.

This happens all the time in ranked in this game, 1 player does not like a certain hero pick and cause they did not get their way, they throw the whole game for everyone.

Sadly this type of behavior is ignored in this game like most problems. Reports are based on number of different players who report the same person with 0 reviews so odds are he will be left untouched and no there is no way to get your points back or loss reverted, You can only que up and hope he is not on your team again.

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If they’d just let us leave the draft without an SR or leaver queue penalty, these matches would never happen. It is less punishment to throw a match than it is to leave it. That’s why ranked is a toxic cesspool. All we need is a short ban on queuing for ranked – 4 hours is enough. No leaver queue, no SR deduction.

Blizzard should be making decisions that lead to fewer bad matches and less toxicity.


They need to raise ranked level requirements, redo or full reset the MMR in the game and eveerones ranks back to bronze 5.

They would also have to fix premades, if a silver 4 groups with a diamond 4 then they should be treated as if they are diamond 4 to avoid this crap lopsided matchmaking.