Face it, the Azmodan rework was a failure

Now 6 months or so after his rework Azmo remains first or second ban in every game I play. In any game he is actually drafted he is a ridiculously oppressive hero to play against.

Honestly, the problem here is glaringly obvious. The size of his globe AoE is ridiculous. It’s stupid. It’s awful design. It’s horrible to play against. From what feels like a screen away he can throw the largest AoE in the game, and if you don’t have a movement ability or are, oh in a team fight or contesting an objective it’s guaranteed to hit you.

I’m sure there are ways to draft against him, or prevent him getting stacks, but honestly… Just REDUCE THE SIZE OF HIS GLOBES. IT’S BEEN ENOUGH TIME. Give him something else if you have to compensate, but enough is enough. Reduce the size. It’s badly designed. Admit your mistake and nerf it.


this is a Learn to play issue, not a design failure, adapt and overcome or don’t. If you choose the later, please dont complain about it.


There’s not all that much you can really do to prevent him from farming stacks.
I kind of wish all globe stacks were gained from his other abilities so he has to risk a bit more for that 1k damage globe.

question: what part of your complaint has to do with the rework being a failure?

Cuz of what you complain, those aren’t issues particular to the success, or failure, or the rework. So your particular complaint could just be stemmed into a ‘nerf hero’ post, but instead you’re trying to bark up the wrong tree.


Did the radius size of the globe change in his rework?

Anecdotal evidence means nothing. Azmodan has a 13% popularity in Masters over the past month and only about 1/5th of that consists of bans. which means any “first ban” problems happens in lower skills of play, something that doesn’t mean much a lot of the time except “bad players suck”.

Clearly not based on Master stats. it sounds like people in your league need to get better.

It’s also slow, hugely telegraphed and has a much lower DPS than pretty much any Mage on the market due to the cooldown.

if this were the case he’d be destroying people in Masters, which he isn’t. which means you can both draft and play around it.

It’s not a mistake though. the fact you admit your lack of game knowledge and lack of skill is why you’re getting destroyed yet still dare to blame the game design is hilarious. Literally just get better at the game.


Globe of Annihilation (Q)

  • New Quest:
    • Hitting a Hero or killing a Minion within 1.5 seconds of being hit by Globe of Annihilation grants 2 Annihilation.
  • Reward:
    • Each stack of Annihilation increases Globe of Annihilation’s damage by 1, up to 400.
  • Greatly reduced the delay before impact warning effects appear.
  • Range reduced from 35 to 30.
  • Casting time reduced from 0.75 to 0.5625 seconds.
  • Globe speed increased from 15 to 18.

the speed changed, but so did the warning effect.

You may dislike the design that exists since the day 1, but rework wasnt a failure.


Tldr: rework was a failure because Q aoe is the same size as before and because Azmo became good.

Good riddance! :'D


He has a level 20 talent to make his Q radius even bigger, but this requires full 400 stacks.

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So… If i get your points…the rework is a failure bacause …

  • globe kept the same size as pre rework.
  • minnions and pushing power are less powerful.
  • all shall burn has a fixed duration
  • His minnion from D cant be spawned as often.
  • a fully stacked glode now hits fall less then a fully stacked globe in the past.
  • the black pool thing doesnt boost all spell for 100% anymore but only globe’s next throw for 50%.
  • the minnions from the ult has a fixed life span.
  • the large range of all shall burn has been removed.
  • globe now provide a warning before impact.

Despite all that he’s still op in your oppinion ? I dont think the issue is azmodan .
Some characters really punish bad behaviors or lack of attentions ( L2P issues ).

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If you know that, than you already have the answer to your rant.

That’s not how the new globe warning indicator works, if you throw long range Qs enemies have several seconds to respond

It is easier post azmodan rework to dodge long range Qs. Previously the Q indicator would appear “x” seconds before impact regardless of how far away it was cast meaning close or long range you got the same warning. Now the indicator appears “y” seconds after being cast which means long range you get a lot of warning

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Noo, leave Fat Chromie alone! :stuck_out_tongue: With the impending Chromie rework Azmodan is probably as close to old play-style Chromie as I will ever get.

Azmodan is a problem at what rank? because I never see him here in master/grandmaster.

This is an issue with your skill level, im sorry but Globe is one of the slowest and most predictable skill in the game, players just have tunnel vision (MOST PLAYERS) and dont pay attention to the giant green circle in front of you that you can simply walk out of, especially if its coming from “2 screens away”.

PLayers should take it upon themselves to improve, rather than demanding Bliz to make things easy for you

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If he indeed throws it from across the screen, you have plenty of time to move out of its AoE. Its dangerous only in close range.
But it had several nerfs already since the rework, and I can say that now it’s… somewhat balanced. Although it feels underwhelming without Tide of Sin, which makes it quite difficult for players to take Demonic Invasion (which can 100-0 a keep after level 20).

So I indeed don’t like his design (mostly due to lack of diversity in playstyle), but I also don’t think he’s overpowered.

He is banned in pretty much every ranked game I have played for the last 100 games. That’s a failure. It failed, because no one can use him now. He’s banned for being annoying more than being OP. They can leave him with his same power level and reduce the annoying factor by reducing the size of his AoE. This would make him require more skill to play. What’s your issue with this exactly? You like how easy it is to hit his lack-of-skill shots currently and you worry your crutch will get nerfed?

While this may be your experience, it is indicative of your skill level and rank whatever that may be.

I can promise you at “YOUR” skill level based on “YOUR” perspective this may be true, i’m not here to argue semantics based on opinions. I am however here to argue facts.

This is a learn to play issue. That is a fact. ( Supporting detials )
h ttps://www.hotslogs.com/Sitewide/HeroDetails?Hero=Azmodan
His rework was a failure in your eyes, that is an opinion.

See the difference?