Echo from Overwatch: Nay or Yay?

Why would anyone want a female OW hero that has no clothes. Such a low blow to the rule 34 community.

I wouldn’t mind Echo around here. The potential cloning got me thinking though, since I don’t think I’ve seen it in any match: can Abathur clone the Vikings or Chogall?

Nay. There are a bunch of other heroes who should come before her.

Going off my own memory I think so, but it’ll only clone the actual target. I.e., no gall AI and only the individual viking.

Ah yes, the replicant.


You say that like this game is Rock, Paper, Scissors. Turning into one hero for ~twenty seconds every ~two minutes is not going to break the game. It’s not that simple.

In an RTS, there really are units that are straight-up hard counters, as well as units that are just better than others in every way. This is a MOBA, where every hero is designed to be equally as powerful and useful. If this was an issue for HotS, it would also be an issue for Overwatch (which it isn’t).

The OP isn’t saying right away. They’re just asking if you want them at some point ever.

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Yeah, but “some point” can be so long as to essentially be never between the release frequency and enormous lineup of heroes.

I’d rather not see Echo in the foreseeable future if it means other OW heroes need to wait longer to get released

Erm, so if you have brightwing + ETC in your team, you don’t see it op that the enemy can copy brightwing?

Seems your knowledge of the gameis not up to par for design discussions.

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Echo belongs in HotS, we need more diverse heroes with more interesting abilities. She could easily fit in HotS and still be balanced. I don’t see how her cloning ult would be OP, however I do see how it would make drafts a little less relevant. I assume she’ll be permabanned because of it.


No more OP than using literally any other CC ult to stop ETC. Like, is The Butcher OP because he can Lamb ETC to stop Mosh?

I mean, her name is EVE, but WALL-E pronounces it EEE-VA (like D.Va) because he’s special.

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They can add anyone, I’ve yet to see a kit added that I truly believe is imbalanced and shouldn’t be in the game at all. I don’t like OW picks for mobility reasons but I respect that as being my personal opinion.

I think they’ll make any kit great fun to play and I look forward to releases A) so more players feel that ‘dream picks’ for them are in and playable, and B) so we can expand on what kinds kits and capacities are in the game and can continue to disobey MOBA metas.

Why would anyone want one with clothes?

No problem, I can wait.

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I see his point though. Just by echo existing they would not be able to draft BW.


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There’s a lot more than Brightwing who can interrupt Mosh Pit. Like, do you counter a single character by picking literally no other CC? No, of course not. You beat Echo the same way you beat anyone with a high-impact ult: you Mosh her so she can’t interrupt it.

Alternatively, just have Brightwing stay the hell away from Echo while you’re engaging, because she would have a limited range.

Designed to be. That doesn’t mean they’re all perfectly balanced, but it means that every hero is coming from the same place. It’s not like it’s the difference between a Zergling and a Battlecruiser.

This phrase contains a contradiction. If something makes the draft less interesting, he is OP. Easy as that. You can’t have a perma banned hero that’s not OP. It is how things work in draft.

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Yes you can. There are heroes that are banned very often but aren’t OP. Permabanning a hero doesn’t make them OP.

If she becomes a healer or support, yay. Cause most of the OW community wanted her to be a support, but she ended up being a DPS.
As for her kit, they’d need to change her ult. Cause it’s similar to Aba except that it targets enemies instead of allies (Also copying enemy heroes is pointless imo).

Not op indeed, just a bad design that breaks the game.

I’m kinda torn on this. On the one hand I really hate OW Echo for how unimaginative she is. On the other hand I’d really like to see HotS balance hero that has living bomb, disintegrate, ultimate evolution and Falstad mount.