Dumb things low ranked ppl have said 2.0

If you’re alone, you won’t be able to capitalize on mistakes as easily though. The team in the lead has so much more to lose. So to just play passively and give them the keys and free objectives because you’re behind is just a playing from behind but never intending to actually get ahead mentality.

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I would never give enemys objectives for free, except for two reasons:

  • We’re 3 level behind
  • One or more of my teammates are dead

If we’re behind, then we have other options that support us in a fight like towers/forts, etc,otherwise we we can’t stand the ground, except we can surprise them. That’s why camps are a good option to distract the enemy a bit and shorten the difference in level.

Even more importantly, if you remain grouped and coordinated, you can force them to make mistakes. Force a bad rotation, bait out a gank attempt that you can turn on them, get them to split and isolate a kill target, there are a number of things you can do even at a level disadvantage that will get you back in the game much faster than hoping to soak your way back in. Sure, don’t pass up free soak when it makes sense, but I have yet to see passive play from behind turn a game decisively.

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“Butcher OP he Butchers an entire team 1v5”


We coulda ganked further out
(We were 2v5)

That reminds me of something a Nova player (not new, account level 1500+) told me in QM recently. I asked her not to keep feeding the Butcher, her reply “The Butcher can’t get more than 200 meat!” He was already at 240…but okay!

I checked her profile after the match, Bronze 2.


Wait I think I have a misconception here, do ranged heroes not count as hypercarries?

No need to look in game, it’s a gold mine here.

It means if your team gets the potato teammate… you lost. And if the enemy team gets the potato… you won (yay).

How you play has little to do with it. Most games are decided at the loading screen. How anyone takes this game seriously is beyond me.

That it’s a competitive game, you’re gravely misstaken. Just want to try to remind people that this game has to do with luck more than it has with individual skill.

Not saying that skill isn’t needed.
Im saying luck will mainly determine your success, individual skill will only matter in minority of matches. Matches where the inaccurate MM system actually manages to match accurately. That’s the only place where your individual skill will matter.


I do remember a full Orb Glass Cannon Li-Ming saying “Illidan’s Ult insta deletes any ranged heroes!” For her, it was kinda correct, but not for the majority.

I miss Illidan’s global hunt voice line, good days.


Another dumb thing people at low ranked tend to say:

  • “Don’t pick X, he’s trash”
  • Insta-picks RA and says: “Need healer and tank or gg”

Me playing off lane soaking bot watching team aram mid.

Tank: your our off laner why aren’t you double soaking

Me: trying to figure out how to soak top and bot at the same time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’d like a dollar for every time I’ve heard that! And the 1% HP Muradin just walks away, “focus Morales!”

Another funny thing:

  • “Go boss!”, everyone follows, even when enemys clearly aware what your team tries to do and even made a signal like Tyrande’s Owl.
  • One player is blaming another: “No dmg, noob!”, even if the other player is a tank/healer/bruiser/etc. It feels like in the mind of a low elo player there are no other stats than “hero damage” :crazy_face:

1 level is still within the ball park of manageable, especially if not a talent level. However once the advantage gets to 2 or 3 levels, which often happens, you need to play it safe as you will not be winning team fights. At that stage it is all about damage control which is why the Abathur probably said what they did. Seen lots of people say that in rank and of course people ignore them, suicide against a 5 team who have a level advantage and help keep that advantage going despite the enemy team not soaking any lanes most of the time. This was Gold rank by the way…

The enemy can do the same to you. Except even easier since they have a level advantage. Even if you kill 1 hero it is all for nothing when the enemy team wipes most of your team due to the level advantage and then gets free uncontested soak for nearly a minute while you are still reviving and barely soaking anything at all. This is how slight level disadvantages turn into stomps.

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it was a while back so i dont remember the exact things but a dude was playing abbathur.
we where on battle of eterinity and he wouldnt step outside the well.
i asked why.
he says its because we dont have any forts up…

I sware, every time i hear “plz focus healer” from my team i die inside. I play healer, I know you wanna focus me. Imma stand in a place where youll get rekt if you focus me.


The times I got my rank reset or played another account out of gold, playing with people with your attitude was the most annoying. I honestly prefer playing with the reckless “suiciders” because I can work with that.

People make so many mistakes at masters, to think that you can’t find any at gold or bait teams into making them as Hoku said, is just playing way too conservatively. Rather than actually playing to win, some people play to not lose, and end up treading water and accomplishing nothing.

You don’t want to suicide alone, but you don’t want to completely split off either and just depend on soak, because you’re not actually changing the game state.

Numbers advantage will almost always trump levels though. That’s why sticking together is often the better choice. You can always rotate together to get waves and fall back to tower advantage or gank someone who rotated out of the group.


I heard this one recently

“Lol we needed a laner you have less siege then our ranged assassin NEWB”

Said ranged assassin was a push build Azmodan and the “bruiser” I picked was a Qhira who most assuredly won the lane denying enemy XP facilitating a lead we didn’t give up for a while.

Trust me, you cannot. When a Muradin wants to 1v5 suicide an anti-tank comp with a 3 (and gaining) level advantage repeatedly there is little you can do. Game was a total stomp, and yes as Lucio I helped him every time and yes I also did not die at all that game as I got out each time, unlike him.

The enemy team stopped even bothering to soak and instead focused on mercs and pushing single lanes. All we had to do was split soak back to the same talent tier, something we could do safely.

Well considering in Gold you can literally poke people to death in single lanes with any reasonable damage range hero that is hardly setting a high bar. In fact play is usually so bad that just gaining a level advantage will win you most games as the enemies will almost never recover from it, an issue people voice regularly on the forums.

Why? Because they are too busy death balling and dying at a level disadvantage to try to regain macro control, levels and create opportunities. A 2 level disadvantage becomes a 4 level disadvantage and now each team wipe that happens is an entire lane cleared of structures. Not long before their core falls.

Gold players make a lot of mistakes, and that is exactly why trying to recover as a full team against their full team rather than with macro play will not work. Sure the enemy could make mistakes, but given their level advantage their mistakes are a lot more forgiving than the mistakes your team make which they will also be able to take advantage of.

Of course if you are more skilled (smurf or incorrectly placed) this is not the case since you will not be making as many mistakes and can more effectively punish them for theirs, but then you are more skilled in the first place…

And yet, I’ve always been able to get out of gold pretty quickly. Will I be able to save the person who 1v5s, of course not. But, if I’m there it’d technically be a 2v5 lol. Regardless, I’d much rather play with somebody who thinks they can win than someone who automatically avoids every fight who thinks they’re slightly disadvantaged. Those games are the most agonizing slow losses that just wastes everyone’s time.

If you’re already behind, staying behind and splitting up does little.

Which begs the question, if you’re already resigning yourself to be of lower skilled, why are you giving advice on how to stay in the lower ranks? Wouldn’t it be more productive to learn how to be more skilled so you actually are influencing the fights to exploit mistakes with your team?