Doomfist the Skillshot God!

Just want to know what you guys think on adding doomfist with triple skillshot kit and high skill cap. A high risk, high reward type of hero, or do you prefer more of a point click heroes like rengar?

Oh yeah, another wave of crying from lowskill players about OW heroes being “OP”.

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I hope not, I think that OW heroes are one of the HOTS most insane designs in moba. I remember when I first started Hots, Tracer was like new generation hero to me. Was so fun.

That’s what i’m talking about - most of the HotS community hates OW heroes because they are too unique for moba genre. And “too mobile”.

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I know, but unique is good to me, it’s like a variety. If you want your skill to benefit your playstyle you have a choice to play OW heroes, if your playstyle is more basic you have a different choice, all with its own benefits and weaknesses. The variety is what makes moba interesting to play, in my opinion.

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OW heroes having unique designs and too much mobility was derided, for very good reason. Tracer single-handedly dropped Release Li-ming several tiers by being such a brutal hard counter. Whilst Genji was so overpowered the entire meta of Hots was twisted in order to counter him or kiss his feet. Double support was created entirely to let teams survive a Genji-dive comp.

And what does Doomfist have in his own game? As well as almost certainly being the closest OW could get to a proper bruiser?
A shield, two dashes that each come with disruption, and invincibility from Meteor swap. As well as being given an hp bar more in line with bruisers than assassins? Sounds like a recipe for broken, overpowered Overwatch release part 3. (Part 4 if you want to include Zarya’s 90% winrate after launch. But that wasn’t quite “on release OP”)
Imagine Zeratul gaining a shield from damage dealt with the displacement of a perma Chen barrel and Johanna’s falling sword with even more damage and shielding

OW character’s generally aren’t liked for a reason. And I don’t see Doomfist being any different. Even if you made every ability a skillshot “just dodge it” isn’t going to make him balanced. His team will just get CC and look, now you can’t dodge it.

So yes. I am personally against the inclusion of Doomfist, his kit and design just won’t translate well. Just like how Tracer and Genji don’t.

Personally I think when it comes to Talon. Reaper and Sombra would be far better, healthier translations into Hots.

Anyhow opinion piece over. TL:DR Doomfist is either going to be OP or UP with no-inbetween. Either creating Doom-Dive Meta with tons of CC to support his hard to hit skillshots as he kills the entire enemy team by himself. Or he’ll be relegated to quick match cheese like Butcher is.

You know that HOTS hero design does not suppose to be a copy of Overwatch, right? Adding new heroes can affect the balance of the game but it is not connected with Overwatch Universe, isn’t it obvious?

So far. They have.

Tracer has her blink, recall, pulse bomb.

Genji has his shurikens, screen length dash, deflect, and dragonblade.

Junkrat and pretty much have everything.

And so does Ana.
Hanzo also falls into this category, though less so as he lost scatter.

The current track record is that OW heroes will mimic their original kits as well as possible. So continuing this pattern. Doomfist will also have a kit that closely matches his original in OW. Including a shield based on damage dealt, two dashes, and invincibility from Meteor Smash.

And whilst power creep was originally rather minimal. Only really getting out of hand with Li-ming. Overwatch is almost infamous for it. Tracer single-handedly nerfed every mage in the game just be existing. Genji contorted the entire game around him. Zarya took one buff before she had a 90% winrate. I don’t recall JR, Dva, and Ana causing any issues. But Hanzo’s Sharpened Arrowheads used to be rather busted when combined with his gratuitously long AA range.

so yes. Overpowered characters and Overwatch are not causations, but they do correlate heavily. Especially when the character is highly mobile. Such as say. Doomfist, with his double dashes.

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There is a lot of counterplay vs Overwatch heroes though. For example, Srg. Hammer, is a good counter to Tracer. Genji can be countered by cc heroes which are most of the bruiser/tank list of Hots heroes, to be honest. Ana and Hanzo are super balanced so I still don’t see any point of OW heroes imba threat.

Sure, Tracer is in fact countered by Hammer, and to a lesser extent ranged auto attackers in general.
Counter play existing does not mean a character cannot be overpowered.
For instance. Genji, even at his most broken just after release, was always absolutely demolished by Tank Varian, Uther, BW, etc. Anyone with point and click CC. He still warped the entire meta to revolve entirely around him because he was, in fact, still overpowered.

Hanzo is indeed balanced, in my opinion he’s in A tier where all well balanced characters should be.

OW heroes aren’t imbalanced now. Atm Cassia, Hogger, Falstad are all the rage when it comes to OP brokeness.

But they have had a consistent track record of being busted on release and difficult to balance afterwards. Tracer and Genji being prime examples. The former has three short ranged blinks, and one TP (Recall) Genji has a resetting, screen wide, dash. And a short jump.
Doomfist, at his bare minimum. is expected to have two mid-range dashes that come with displacement. As well as Meteor Smash for falling sword style invincibility.
Hmm. What’s a franchise with a history of overtuned releases on highly mobile characters?

Almost like every Moba devoloper not named Icefrog has had a consistent history of undervaluing just how ridiculous mobility is.

Mobility is quite literally three times as strong as Utility, Defense, and Damage. (The former being twice as strong as damage and defense.)
So a highly mobile character, like Tracer, needs to have their capacity for damage and defense absolutely gutted, or they become monsters, no matter how hard their counters are. We know this for a fact actually.
Because release Genji, was that highly mobile character with a capacity for both damage and defense. Changing the entire landscape of the game to fit him despite being destroyed by crowd control.

Sure, neither Tracer nor Genji are bad now. But the odds of DF being made into another mobile menace are pretty high.

Again. Personally I think less mobile OW characters would make better translations into Heroes, hence why I suggested Reaper and Sombra as far better, healthier translations into Hots.
We know for a fact, that they often do make better translations. Ana, balanced, Balanced, Hanzo (Post range reduction) balanced.
The only non-mobile OW character to be made ludicrous OP was Zarya. And that was due to her getting superbuffed before people learned her. Resulting in a comedically overtuned character. Rather than somebody who just doesn’t fit. (Like Genji, who becomes increasingly low tier and more niche as you climb the tiers.)

You seem a very knowledgeable person, big respect for all your replies! Sad that no one actually read my topic and answered my question though :cry:

Well maybe I can be more explicit about it being my response. But my comments about how Doomfist would certainly be overpowered on release, underpowered after nerfs, just like Genji, and to a lesser extent. Tracer are. And that Reaper and Sombra would be better Talon Reps than Doomfist. Was my response to “Doomfist in HoTS”

As for your comment of.
" A high risk, high reward type of hero, or do you prefer more of a point click heroes like rengar?"
I haven’t really answered so I’ll do that now.

Both. I play both Genji and Rehgar for crying out loud. I play Valeera and Xul.
Sometimes I want the thrill of “Haha I played three times better than you. Git gud scrub.”
But that’s also stressful. As a former LoL player I know well from experince that long play sessions + stress = toxicity.
So I chill out with something simpler. Simply focusing on the game mechanics itself rather than the hero.

True, I don’t like to tryhard like on the actual job playing a video game but I hate point-click heroes especially if they deal a lot of damage to you with zero effort.

That is why I like Hots, almost all damage abilities you need to be able to land which makes the game less toxic and at the same time for me. :upside_down_face:

Q - Punch with Knockback. Might be too much like Hogger’s flail attack, but oP nonetheless with a terrain impact.
W - Uppercut.
E - Shotgun? Could be reloadable Basic Attack also.
H1 - Meteor Strike
H2 - ?

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I already told that is too many Warcraft heroes in the game! that is I seek to reached more Overwatch heroes.

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Never quite understood this argument. Yeah, tracer, genji, and lucio are pretty insane but theres also zarya and ana who are arguably the least mobile heroes in the game., mei, hanzo, and junkrat are fairly middle of the road. Diablo heroes have just as much if not more.

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I know “too much mobility” is a phrase that has been thrown around a lot here, but literally every active ability doomfist has contains a movement component. For this reason, there are plenty of other OW heroes I’d rather see.

I mean, sure, you could say they don’t have to copy/paste OW kits (which is true enough - mei is the first hero where this changed), but I think that’s sort of an integral part of his gameplay. I don’t know how you could preserve the spirit of the character without his mobility being ridiculous.