Does anyone know how to control Anger?

Hey, in the end it helped somehow :joy:

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Anyways since we are talking about games.

I play SUPERHOT when my anger is over the roof.

Anger sometimes helped me achieve high scores in most kills so it’s a win win for me. :sunglasses:


Me on the inside :lock: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :angry: :rage: :lock:

Me on outside :kissing_smiling_eyes:


Doesn’t matter the how high the score was.
The Red guy onslaught never stops until you’re defeated.
Red guy always wins.

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That won’t stop me.

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And it won’t stop Red guy.
Can’t stop, won’t stop.

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Then I’ll strike the enemy within.

To the core, again.

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Become conquered again,


And again.
(Insert Red guy speech about defeat is not an option, because it was never encoded)

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yes, it is. unfortunately there are different types of angry ppl. i was reading about this.

passive - would be if you dont lash out a lot when angry. you tend to use passive things like sarcasm and other methods of passive agressive things to show you are angry but you dont actually say what is bothering you. (these ppl are really annoying tbh because they never tell you what is wrong and expect you to just know)

volatile - ppl that lash out. not much explanation needed on this one… i think we have seen these everywhere. they are the vocally very angry ppl.

chronic - grudge holders (me :slight_smile: ) ppl that hold on to what makes them angry for a long time! some longer than others. personally speaking i will somewhat ‘forgive’ you after a matter of time depending on what you did. i wont ever forget it though. so if you did me wrong you can look forward to never having me completely forgive you.

vengeful - im glad i have avoided these guys tbh irl… too bad i cant avoid them hots. :neutral_face: these are the dont get mad get even ppl. vindictive ppl. they can range from harmless pranks to very scary.

i think those are the ones you would most likely see noticeably here. from forum to gameplay whether its a post or throwing themselves into enemy towers because you banned them.

Just play in party, this game extremely toxic for solo playing, only big balance changes can fix it a little.

p.s: Rona know. “I am in control of my anger. Hmm my anger does not control me.” © Rona from Vainglory

this pathetic game is toxic itself , poor matchmaker wasting all fun that you can have from playing even ZEN master would be angry

No, no! Better just start to think about a sea, a trees, a sky… : xD

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Play only a few heroes that you are really good at and enjoy. For me, I only play Kel’thuzad. Even if I lose, if I manage to combo kill Tracer or Genji at least one time I feel really good about that game.

Try not to type in chat, at all. Leave chat enabled but only comment once or twice per game for something like “boss” or “objective pls”. Also if you have a compliment like “Nice VP zera!” then say that as well.

Don’t report anyone, for anything less than hate speech or “kys” comments. The less you report others, the more you will quash your own negativity.

Watch a few of your own replays. You will notice in that one game where your Anubarak was an idiot and pretending he was a solo-laning Sonya all game, that he was also making some great saves and doing his best to protect you during teamfights. It’s hard to stay angry at a player when you see them trying to help you.

And most importantly, realize that you will always encounter incompetent players in this game, at any level. That means that dealing with new players and incompetence IS the game. If you are not prepared to deal with incompetence then you will not enjoy HOTS. It’s not like you will eventually reach a point where everyone knows how to play the game well and everything will be wonderful. You will always have at least one player that either does not know their hero well or does not know the game well.

And if your team is 100% incompetent (like when you get matched with 4 bronze players in QM), then the enemy team is likely just as bad which means you can take advantage of their mistakes. Find the weak links on the enemy team and punish them repeatedly.

A video game is not something worth getting angry over…

the sea is very angry sometimes.
the sky also gets very angry.

…and watch out if they get angry together :open_mouth:

Grow up… Don’t be a child.
You’ll learn. Life will be really hard for you if you keep throwing temper tantrums every time something doesn’t go your way.

In HOTS, when I have an unreasonably bad team, like say for the life of me I can’t get anyone to engage a team fight together, instead everybody just trickles in one at a time, repeatedly, then I start doing my own thing. I’ll go for camps, push lanes, and when teammates start blaming me for not helping them [lose faster], I just mute chat. I’ll still engage if they ever seem to get their act together, but otherwise I’ll do what I can to be most productive. Even if we still lose the match, at least I won’t be tilted at unreasonable teammates.

If you’re angry its probably cause the people around you are gullible and ignorant

The way to deal with it is to simply wait for them to ruin everything to the point where the community and eventually the game itself shuts down.

So yeah basically hold out for another year and we’ll all be free of this stupidity.

Fluoxetine, eh? Hahaha xD

Some people say keep a leveled head but the stupidity from some people can break you. So try the cure called Jack Daniels.

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I usually just yell at my screen.

It doesn’t seem to mind as much as my team mates would.