Does anyone ever pick "Double up" on Garrosh?

Double Up (Level 13)

  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

Armor Up can be activated to increase its Armor bonus by 100% for 3 seconds.

I’ve only ever picked that talent by accident. And I was not happy when I did. Compared to the other two options, it feels completely useless, and I can’t see how you would ever get more or equal value than “Blood Craze” or “Defensive Measure”.

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Bloodcraze is just overall more dependable as a survival tool. The shield from stunning a hero is also nice, but I prefer to have healing.

Double Up, I usually only take when playing a game of ARAM, not in a Ranked match. It’s great when the enemy simply doesn’t care you are Garrosh and spams all their burst damage at you. It can save you from certain death when facing multiple burst heroes on low health.

I think it would be more popular if there was some chance to lower the cooldown of Double Up, say, by 1.5 seconds per each auto attack (or even 0.5-1). At 30 seconds, it’s nice to have, but I wouldn’t usually take it over Bloodcraze.


I’ve picked it in ARAM a couple times. Really funny being at 10% health and getting pyroblasted and still living.

In a real match, I can see it being helpful when facing tons of burst from enemy teams, or something to use to keep you a live for a few more seconds to secure a kill. But I would say it is definitely a situational talent.

Also, I don’t play Garrosh (though I do want to learn him) so take that with a grain of salt.

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It’s serves the same purpose like Arthas’ 7 talent that gives him 75% damage reduction/armor. When would you pick it on Arthas’ and not Q/Lifesteal?

I would take it against hard hitters like The Butcher or Samuro or to prevent burst as PeskyBerry described.

I assume it would be a lot more helpful where the enemy might stack all their dps at once.

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Yeah Blood craze is my usual pick. But I’m thinking of trying a Q heavy build against non-mobile comps.

When I play Garrosh, I find Butcher to be a non-Issue. My untalented trait is enough to keep me alive against him, and he’s easy to throw. Plus, you can taunt him to deny him the heal from his branded target (Why is it that people branded by Butcher never run away?)

And I don’t feel that any of these talents actually help against Samuro. “Bloodcraze” + “Seasoned Soldier” is probably your best bet. As you can use clones as healing stations.

Yeah I guess it would be good against blowup. But only if you’re not stunned or silenced. Or you’d never get to activate it.

Yeah a nice buff might be to make it usable while stunned etc

I just gave you two examples for hard hitters. It’s obvious that you can use this talent against burst damage that you want to prevent. It doesn’t matter, if you don’t need to against The Butcher, because you can taunt/throw him, but you could potencially still do it, if your skills are on cooldown.

This talent has it’s nice purpose to prevent burst. Maybe against heavy focus, because you know you’re the tank…

Or have it be a toggle where you can either manually activate it, or have it auto-proc at a certain HP threshold, kind of like a spell shield talent.

Yeah my problem is that if I’m getting bursted. I’m usually stunned, and can’t activate the talent. Essentially, this talent seems to be : “If you’re bursted without being CC’ed, use this”. Which is a weird specific case.

You want it turned into the old Raynor Adrenaline rush? People were never satisfied with the auto cast. Maybe if an auto cast reduced the cd?

Well you have to use it wisely like the Medallion in the past, which don’t saved you from being stunned, but it was a prevention against stuns.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I seem to remember being able to activate the medallion while rooted.

No, have it be a toggle like most spell shields, where you can toggle it on to auto-proc, or toggle it off so you can manually activate it.

But what if, some players, like…a friend of mine. (I’m asking for a friend) cannot manage toggles?

Let me guess, this “friend” doesn’t play Ana or Zul’jin, either? :wink:

He plays/dies as Zul Jin.

A thought just occurred to me to put this talent at lvl 20, but instead of being activatable, it triggers for 2/3 seconds when he is stunned

The talent suffers from a few things:

  1. It doesn’t help vs Garrosh counters, percent damage; the shield or extra healing on the same talent tier will at least help some.

  2. Use confusion; extra armor can even really helpful, but in the middle of the game it can be hard to figure out if extra % less damage might be more useful than a shield or heal. Also, because the armor is tacked to your health it might easily be wasted if you get healed or just dont take as much damage as you were anticipating.

  3. Ease of use: theoretically, double up is the easiest of the 13 talent tiers to use, click a button and done. But, it has the longest cd, and its competitors are not that hard to get value out of.

I’d say it’s the hardest. It’s an activatable talent (Which you have to remember to use), and it requires you to anticipate damage. You can potentially get nothing out of it, while the other two talents can’t be misplayed.