Does anybody really get banned?

In a few games, I get people who seem call everybody else on the team idiots. Don’t explain why we’re or how we can do better. Some decide to muted for the rest of the game just 5 minutes into the game. Some decide to just sit there in base for the rest of the game doing whatever they want.

The team can’t do anything about it. There’s no kick voting. The game isn’t going to kick them out cause they aren’t AFK. So you can’t do anything for the game except you get 4 v 5 for the rest of the game. So does reporting work at all?

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sorry to tell you that… it doesn’t really work unless they talk in chat then you all can report whoever said anything in chat no matter flaming or just randomly saying stuff… then they’ll get silenced at first then banned if continuing talking and being reported in each game

they only get banned when there’s many people reporting them but remember spam report on 1 account doesn’t count more than 1 report.

Yes don’t worry. They will be suspended soon and then qq here about evil people who abuse the report system


Honestly, I think the reporting system has two problems. One is the fact that there are genuinely nasty people who raise hell about snowflakes who can’t take a little ‘constructive criticism’ (nevermind the fact that they keep criticizing and don’t offer any of the constructive part) … Then there are the people that also equate ‘not doing what I say’ with ‘being AFK’ because they ‘have the same result’…

Honestly, a lot of faith in the system would be restored if you just got a small notice saying ‘hey, one of the reports you submitted contributed towards a punishment’ like they have in Overwatch… Be nice if there was a ‘yeah, you report waaaayyyy too many people’ notice too.

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Would you prefer it if people were automatically banned any time anybody reported them for anything?

There should be a “Kick from Game” option.

Lets say there is a team with a solid comp.

Now, all your healer is doing, is standing at spawn yelling trash at everyone, but still moving around so they don’t get kicked.

Someone in the team could pull up a “Vote to kick” option, if 3 (or 4) players agree, that one player will be kicked. They won’t get punished, and they’ll get the xp from the match as far as it went. But it’ll kick them and add in an AI.

I know, there could be stuff like parties of people who abuse it bla bla bla

Its an idea, and it would solve lots of problems, or create lots more.

We always get some people come here and complain they got banned and ask to just mute them so it happens.

I don’t really think calling someone an idiot is report-worthy, but I take personal offence to feeding on top of it.

Blizz should put a list of things not considered toxic by their system, would save time.
They should still net you ban if spammed on a short period of time during the same

I think more people get banned for playing murky in ranked than for actual abusive chat

Another problem with the report system, or maybe just the disciplinary system in general is that it’s often pointless. If I’m in a ranked game and there’s a troll on my team throwing the game on purpose, I don’t report them. I don’t report them because I don’t care what happens to them; I still lost the game, I still lost the rank points and no number of reports or disciplinary actions taken against that player is going to change that.

And considering that you can freely smurf as much as you want, a player cannot be truly banned from the game. Dedicated trolls can come back and ruin games no matter how many time you report them.

I’ve only ever had a friend randomly silenced, which was ironic because they never spoke in team chat, only party chat. They literally got silenced after a game without ever saying anything. They’re a terrible player at best, but still…

I don’t think Blizzard can afford to ban players any more from this game.

I only got a warning from Blizzard for something I did in last few months ago. Yes, a warning, not immediate action on me. So yeah, the action may be taken (or not) on those players that people reported after a few months later. By that time, most likely that offender or the reporter would have stop playing the games.

This could go a long way in encouraging reports against toxicity

Dat barrier for evil. Crap talking on the internet.

context is a very important thing in this situation, before the person went afk was it easily gonna be one of those games where your team is just gonna get rolled and not kill a single keep or even win a single obj? If so then the person afked hoping for the game to end so that they can hopefully move on to another game sooner that will hopefully be better. the report system does more harm then good, it should not ban, reason? you can just make a new account in 5 minutes. so the truly toxic players will make a new account and those who are not really toxic but are false reported will probably just leave the game or make a new account and never join chat . ever again. it is no fun playing a game where your team is just gonna be wiped over and over and there is nothing you can do about it, better to just get the game over with and move on to the next game which will hopefully be better.

For Abusive Chat, yes you can get either Banned or Silenced. I don’t know about AFK/Non-Participation or Intentionally Dying reports, maybe they get an email warning, can get Suspended I guess.

But yeah, you can get banned for all the wrong and right reasons. Really depends on context because anyone can spin the truth in the wicked world we call the Internet.

“Abusive chat” is the only reason people get banned actually. For all the others I think that very few action have been taken, probably after really tons of reports.
For the “toxic speach” the target need just to keep writing, since the reports doesn’t decay over time, and sooner or later they will be suspended.

Yes, but getting silenced is useually not an outcome of how toxic a person is but instead how frequently that person plays the game. The current system is very counterproductive and has since it’s introduction probably hurt the game more than helped it. :slight_smile:

At this point I feel like everyone is making smurfs so they can safely flame without caring while simultaneously ruining matchmaking for newer players resulting in ded gaem.