Do you remember the good old times?

I prefer current balance and seeing pusher specialists go away.
Plus having Chen soak towers shots freely means 5 people aren’t soaking a lane , i do not miss this kind of bronzelords gameplay.

Yes, the good old times. You would just point at stuff and everybody just knew what you meant. Then that language stuff came up and corrupted youth and soon they wanted to ‘talk’ about everything instead of just throwing rocks at it.

Maybe i´m just getting old but things sure went downhill.


The old LiMing can clear wave, wrecking buildings and kill heroes at the same time.

I remember the days when Dustin Browder was in charge of his baby, trying to improve it and make it better. It wasn’t perfect, but he tried his best to make it what was fun and balanced. Then Activision stepped in and took him from his baby, and gave it to the workers underneath DBro and a new taskmaster was put in charge.

Thus began the downward spiral to the death of HotS.


Remember when Kael’thas could D->W->W to instantly blow up a living bomb? Or when Ignite was completely, utterly meta-defining?

And remember when Illidan was terrifying to face because he had baseline unstoppable and there wasn’t much CC?

And remember the absolute worst cancer this game has ever known… Gathering Power Nova.


I remember 1v5ing people with beta BW with activable burst healing D and envenom.

:laughing: sigh… I’m not quite that old, but I understand you.


If it was strong or easy to abuse, it’s “good ol’days”.

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Ah so you like it when the game became more about brawling and less like an actual MOBA?

I will lament the death of specialists. If I wanted brawling all day I’d play Battlerite.


back when chen was released, so yes pre 2.0. he could just sit under the towers and absorb ammo like a boss. the towers would run out and he would then just whack them.

I do miss tower ammo.


i remember the days when avg. IQ of players was >100 now it is 50 maybe.

Unpopullar opinion but some generic talents had be good in QM because they can be fix or hide some troubles with matchmaking in this mode.


I remember when murky was an unstoppable monster, with permanent gathering power.

I miss Uther who had a regen globe quest so he could have mana later in the game.

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I remember the good old times when Illidan was feared, when Zag could passive heal on Creep Tumors, when Zag/Abby cheese was a thing, when VP was still bugged so you could steal boss anytime and when Arty could 1v5 with old infinite shield build.

// I miss the times where I could play without lagging like hell sometimes. And when AI was decent to play with and against. //

Nova was my first hero and I miss the days when I used to go Abby hunting or pop someone when they were safe within their keep.

I miss the old Sylvanas as well.

RIP, you will be missed.

I remember times when you had locked talents until you got the hero to a certain level (I think it was 5). Then the other talents unlocked. :smiley:

Also my best memories for solo support Tass, who’s shields lasted indefinitely with 50% original shield value. And you could shield buildings as well. And the shield on buildings was twice as strong. So you shielded your whole base, all towers, keeps, forts, whole team… :smiley:

Yes, good old times…

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I miss Valla when she was considered mobile and would fit into most comps against any enemy team. Now she’s niche :frowning:

I also miss Sylvanas. I loved being able to take advantage of the inevitable mid lane battle as soon as the game started. I’d mount up all the way up to the top or bottom towers, you could take a good chunk of fort HP before the first wave of mobs even appeared, leave me alone of a couple of minutes and I’d have the fort down as well.

That’s why they call him the Priority Panda.