Do stomps get evaluated when investigated for Throwing?

If I’m in a stomp and losing to where my team has over 6 deaths each, not a single structure damaged on enemy team, maybe 1 or 0 kills on my team, and if I start throwing to make end faster, could that be counted toward actually throwing the game? It’s already completely lost and impossible to come back, so should that be a problem? I don’t get it.

Yes, someone (either on the enemy team or your team) could report you for that.

There are two specific report categories for that: Non-participation, and Intentional Dying which could apply.

Note that these are not automated like Abusive Chat, account action (if any) is only taken after a blue reviews the reports.

So… I can… tower dive if it’s a stomp and I won’t get banned?

You can but you shouldn’t. The way this game is composed of you can any game to ~19 minutes then regardless of the board a team wipe can lead to a win.

If someone with the authority to punish you looks at your replay your bad behavior would be quite obvious

You should not take that chance

Who cares, just make another account and use it.

You realize that you have to buy or earn the heroes you want again if they are not on free hero rotation right?

I’m not talking about throwing at the start or even mid of the match. I’m talking about a 25 kills to 0 stop where you maybe have a keep or 2 or less and it’s just dragging on and on.

There is no good excuse for intentionally feeding

The point is that you try to win until the very end

Intentionally dying and not participating in a match are valid reasons for getting your account punished


At that point the game can’t last very long.

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Yeah but if they’re just farming kills or something. Come on, I know people have been in stomps where you can’t possibly pretend there was a chance of winning, not with some of the decisions some players make consistently. Same question can be asked of going afk. Is it really that bad to go afk when it’s 30 kills to 2 and you haven’t destroyed a turret or fort or wall and your keeps are gone

I just never afk. If I think there’s no chance to win. I’ll try new talents or strategies or go push an off lane.

Yes. Stomps(such as 30-2 kills) are often not caused by some vast player skill difference, but minor differences in player behaviour. I’ve had plenty of games where we’ve adjusted our behaviour mid-game and suddenly had a fighting chance.

I mean I do Try Mode with heroes all the time to learn how talents work.
I think if I have to pretend not to be afk, I’m still just afk. It’s pretty silly if this is the norm to punish late game stomp behavior. I wasn’t sure if it was the norm, but it sounds like it is.

There’s no punishment involved. But your team mates can report you if you afk at any point.

… Yeah but they get evaluated, right? That’s what I’m asking. Would they count against me if a GM evaluated them.

Both afk and deliberately throwing get punishments of either silence or bans. Yeah, you can subtly try to throw, but you’d be putting so much effort into deliberately losing that you might as well try and win.

Besides, think of all the times you thought you had the game in the bag but your team screwed up and you ended up losing.

Every time you’re down 25 kills to 0, you’re just one, two enemy wipes tops away from inflicting that on the other team.

Yes they would. If you afk, you afk. Doesn’t matter when.


If the enemy team just wants to farm kills instead of trying to win that is your chance to capitalize on their hubris and kill them instead

Open your eyes for opportunities instead of whining about how badly you’re losing and you will see more clearly when those chances are

Partly incorrect

Silences are only given to those who abuse the chat

Being silenced would not stop people from going afk or feeding after all

If you go afk or intentionally feed the punishment is a temporary suspension or a permanent ban

you are incorrect. blizzard does not view these reports; the reports are automatically decided valid or not by comparing the in game stats of the reported person to the average stats. i.e. if someone has 20 deaths on a raynor but the average of all raynor players is only 5, then the report for intentionally dying would be valid.