Division 7 Game. Artanis on Braxis!

This isn’t a pro game. But I feel there’s more to learn from them since you’ll see things that will likely come up in your games.

Fun Watch

Those guys respect da rules lol.
(Interestingly, they picked Artanis on Braxis, but Zagara on BoE)

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I know, I know, you don’t have to say it. Khaldor says it often enough in his 'casts.


Watching Artanis games cast by Khaldor is not good for your morale. Don’t do this to yourself lol.

To be fair, most of the time he is played in a tournament, he doesn’t fare well. Either the person playing him isn’t very good (as in this example), they draft him into a bad matchup, or on a weird map. He can do decently on Braxis against the right solo lane opponent, I drool when I see an enemy Chen on that map, but I do cringe when I see his portrait on one of Khaldor’s thumbnails, knowing what is to come.

I did see one Div S match during the first season he casted them where he approved of an Artanis pick, but that was due more to the fact that the person drafting him is absurdly good at the hero.

Every time I play Artanis. I find myself frustrated that twin blades doesn’t go farther, as people just walk away at low health.

That’s what his Q is for.

Or a Suppression Pulse snipe. Those never get old.

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They have to be at the exact health that pulse would kill them though. Which is rare. It happens when I play against him, and I only remember dying to it once.

Sadly, the largest part of blade dash’s damage is in the return trip, which is the easiest part to dodge :frowning:

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Hee hee. Like I said, it never gets old.

And while it is true that unless talented, Blade Dash doesn’t hit very hard unless you get both hits in, I like to use a gap-close swap if I think I can safely get the kill. I have been taking Solarite Reaper more often recently, as it is deceptively strong. Especially with everyone and their dog playing Cassia and JoJo these days, if they aren’t banned.

always a good decision

He must be real sorry, that he already used his meteor shield.

How does sonya win vs artanis. Its one of the only things he can do

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She went block. lvl 1 Makes a big difference against Art.

She took “Hurricane” Lvl 4. Which I don’t feel had much value there. I would have picked “Shots of Fury”. But she picked "Life funnel lvl 7.

Gives her much more of a game.

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He was kind of the classic low MMR Artanis. It didn’t look like he knew how to manage his trait properly, and I generally prefer to go Shield Battery against sustain DPS like Sonya.

Edit: And yeah, he needs to know how to work around Block.


The problem with Artanis is three-fold:

#1. His build sucked. No attack speed in offlane?
#2. Artanis has three power spikes: Lvl 4, Lvl 13 and Lvl 20 (zealot charge). This Artanis was fighting the Sonya 1v1 at lvl 7 - > 11, the worst stages.
#3. Gotta hit your swaps. A lot of Artanis’s value comes from displacement.

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I will have you know, I deliberately miss my swaps to lull them into a false sense of security!


That’s just what you tell people after the fact :slight_smile:

Now that you mention it… When is the last time anyone ever saw an Artanis managing their Shield Overload cooldown to maximize uptime in a public match?

It’s painful to watch him die as his trait just wont activate due to user error (for example fleeing instead of aa’ing the enemy opponent at equal health)

Or getting sniped at low health when a shield would have saved them, yet they don’t AA anything to activate the shield.
My humble guess is some people think the hots gods just grant the shield randomly at random intervals.


tbh, I don’t think it was a bad decision to disengage at the 16:35 point.
ETC is low on hp and mp; Tass is low on hp, and Andy has no mana. Furthermore, they have no minion wave.
It is possible for the dragon to do 1+core vs 4. However, why try to boss if they are not confident in finishing the core?


Accourding to his logic pick auto attack talents untill you outdamage the block

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