Delete Storm League, make ARAM the new ranked mode

Seriously… every SL game is a midlane brawl, so let’s stop pretending that we need map objectives, camps, and extra lanes. No one’s in them anyway – why are they there? Let’s get rid of minions, too, and just use kills for XP.

Based on hundreds of ranked matches, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is what people actually want in a ranked HOTS mode. Macro is dead in ranked.

I started playing vs AI again, and it’s amazing how much more fun it is. People actually get in all 3 lanes and play the map like it’s a PvE challenge where the other team are hazards. No one brawls over nothing. Toxicity is rare, teamwork is common.

Even Quick Match generally has some macro play and an overall higher match quality than Storm League. Let’s just leave QM and Unranked Draft alone, apply the SR/rank system to Brawl mode, and delete Storm League entirely. There is only anger and stress in pretending that SL is anything other than ARAM.

How ‘bout no?
Every time someone says ‘delete XXXXX’ I know that there are people who like it, so I just suggest an alternate mode similar to what they suggest.

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