Compensation for being a Medivh player

Playing Medivh in QM is a never-ending series of frustrations between having to deal with the slug in over half your games to having teammates who will click on anything but the portal you placed right next to them. The effort it takes to get him to a 50 win rate in QM is like the effort to take most heroes to 60+.

Medivh players should be compensated with bonux xp/gold and bonus hidden MMR to offset the systemic bias in the matchmaker.


If they removed the healing part from Abas kit then he would be more fair to play againts. Having Aba on your team means you got a hero that can heal people.

While Medivh on the other hand he need people to take dmg before his burbble heals so Aba is in a great advantage here.

And Zarya is in same place as Medivh. Can only shield herself/allies but cant heal and does mediacore dmg.

Its only Vikings that maybe can out lane him but then its req the Vikings to be skilled and the 4 man need to have a brain.


I do agree it’s for sure usually a frustrating matchup, because Aba can heal. Medivh can just prevent damage (or “heal” if the target takes a lot of it).

So Aba can patch up all his teammates to 100% before a decisive fight, Medivh can’t.

Would be nice if Medivh was mirrored to any support other than Aba but I realize that may not be realistic with these population numbers. Aba is also by far the most played support.

And Zarya is in same place as Medivh. Can only shield herself/allies but cant heal and does mediacore dmg.

True though fortunately they classified her bruiser now. Would suffer from the same thing if she was still support.

They didn’t. Dunno where you get that Zarya is a Bruiser.

Brain freeze there since I haven’t played her a while, since I wasn’t logged in I had to verify from Siri. She gives bad info lol. She’s no bruiser.

Even the google result says that in the description for hots wiki before clicking it… Idk who trolled that.

So yeah, she has the same issue as Medivh in QM.


Why ppl like this… The first part of her page says she’s a Support hero and even shows her role as is, but latter she is mentioned as a Bruiser, which redirects you to the Bruisers list which lacks her… Weird folks…

Yea, Aba and TLV terrorizes poor Shielders. Wish someone would get Tass’ old Shields as a new Hero.
We also need more Supports imo, but that won’t happen :frowning:


Since so many companies are hopping on the Classic or Old School bandwagon including Blizzard, I sure would like to see a classic HotS.

Zero investment from the execs, just bring up a very old client no matter how buggy, then let us play old Tass, old versions of heroes, old version of Haunted Mines and so on.

I’m not holding my breath, but considering it would take zero maintenance and effort from them (and they could say any bugs are ‘buyer beware’ and wont be fixed), it could be achievable some day.

Well, at least I see it as more realistic than getting a new hero that works like the old Plasma Shield Tass. Though that’d be nice too.

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Yea reminds me to always be cautious and triple check when googling stuff. Stuff on the internet is what it is.

Nah, this is clearly a skill issue.

Cant help it, theyre the same sub category.
But in a no healer game ABA just straightup wins, always.
In a healer game its more balanced for medivh.
In rank he excels.

Agreed I scratch my head when I bubble-+
Portal that can save someone and they rather walk around the portal and die.

Like why??

I am no Medivh player and I agree that a no heal match up vs abathur is tough! I also noticed that the better your teammates are, the more they expect a portal at good toming qhich make them react faster. Medivh kind of struggles with the same prob as deckard cain with the healing portions, you have to calculate in the reaction times.

Therefore it is also up to a good Medivh to have his portals well timed an positioned to give your teammates a chance. Also it may help to work with his active portal talent that is more predictable for your teammates.

Most people are just used to not take them I guess casue are all placed badly.

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What are you talking about Medivh is a total pubstomper. Don’t try to play with your team in QM, just be very selfish and exploit the chaos (which Medivh does very well.) Get that quest stacked and enjoy mowing people down while teleporting all around them.

A big round of support for both these suggestions. I never will understand why they didn’t try to experiment with the Tassadar by removing any ability to talent into or have lifesteal baseline. If they had removed lifesteal completely and buffed other areas of his kit it might have been possible to balance him without reworking him into yet another mage hero.

You’re right to be skeptical that we will ever seen another support hero as the Devs said they had no plans for one and right now getting any new hero seems kinda of iffy .

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More support heroes would be nice. Its getting boring really that everytime you face a support hero its 95% of the time Abathur you face because he is the most popular sup hero now after Tass is gone.


What would you do with compensation in hell? Where all Medhiv players end up.

Pardon me please? Care to repeat that?


But maybe they don’t end up in hell. Maybe they rule it.

I´m more a fan of the Polybomb upgrade, but OK.

Hard to contain someone who has portals, hard to command someone who turns your place into a parade of colorful sheep.