Cho'Gall Solo Q

Some of us are unable to play because either the partner is never online or don’t want to have to deal with begging people in chat to play only cho or only gall.


Cho’gall is hard enough to play well when you can communicate with the other player. Two people with no way to talk to each other would be a massive liability to their team.

Yeah but isn’t that why the team chat exists? So they can communicate.


We have been asking for this FOREVER and I have no idea why Blizzard won’t listen to us. If we’re willing to wait in a queue instead of spamming the chat, so friggin be it!

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This idea may only be possible if you play Cho, since it would be Rexxar-awkward to play as Gall.

Actually I’ve had an AI Cho. Not exactly a bad experience when it happened. Personally I want to be a Gall main which…makes the situation much worse since…I don’t want to play Cho and naturally Im drawn to Gall being an Abathur main.

The solution to that is if you solo Q Cho’ Gall you can select “Cho or Gall” and then you check if you have a preference between the two (like in your case you must be gall period). I BELIEVE some players dont mind switching. I prefer Cho but if im $hitfaced I wouldnt mind a sober driver 0:)


It can be done though if both players are familiar enough with both roles of cho’gall. Rare but is possible.

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Yeah i prefer Gall only and thats my problem. Sorry i took so long to respond got banned till new years lol.

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Btw if you ever want to be a gall with me feel free to add me. I will explain my play style than and hope it matches!

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How about if you would solo Q with Cho’Gall, that you only get half of the big man?
One part will simply be deactivated completely and your health pool will be a bit lower than usual.

So if queueing as Cho, you will only have access to his abilities and only those.
And when playing Gall, you can use movement and Gall abilities.

Of course, some talents that rely on the other half cannot be taken and would simply be disabled if they do not bring additional (passive) effects).

Or another option, make it similar to the Triglov Protector.
You can play both Cho and Gall alone, but you have to switch with a button to change roles.

So you will start with Cho at spawn, pressing D would let you switch to Gall and visa versa.
The damage / armour buffs will automatically switch accordingly to which part is active.

Health should also be reduced if playing solo like that, as you will have a 5-body team.