Chen rework soon?

It is rather rare to see Blizz responses in a summon thread, maybe PTR with reworks this monday including the firstborn bundle?つ_つ_summon_chen_rework_つ_つ_summon_chen_rework_つ_つ/

EDIT: Did they disable previews for links? At least reddit definitely had those before.

Expected Soon™ :frowning:

If i am right rather sooner than later, but i guess we will see on monday.

There’s probably something in the link you need to delete to make preview

Here’s a test for this link:

I think this week, maybe today

No doubt they’re waiting for the initial post-Anduin patch to hit the live servers first. Whatever PTR patch they’ve got cooking up would be part of a build with those changes already in the game. So maybe new balance patch tomorrow, possibly PTR as well?

Nope, PTR next week most likely. They changed delay between patches from:
Hero ( 2 weeks ) balance ( 1 week ) PTR ( 1 week ) Reworks ( 2 weeks ) balance ( 1 week ) PTR (1 week) Hero… to:
Hero ( 3 weeks ) balance ( 1 week ) PTR ( 1 week ) Reworks ( 3 weeks ) balance ( 1 week ) PTR (1 week) Hero


The next major/rework patch will most likely be chen

As it seems there will be no PTR this week, but we will get a balance patch on Wednesday:

Just glad we’re still getting the balance patch this week.