Cheaters found in HOTS. this issue has to be dealt with or Hots will start losing the remaining Players base!

Today I encountered TEAMING AFK cheating players in Hots. this may sound complicated, but please allow me to give you details.
I have all the reply evidence saved. And due to this form not allowing posting a thread with link, i don’t know where to submit them.

My player ID: dinstan

The first game, this player named 奶骑 instantly leave the game after the game started, and throughout the entire game. I thought it might just be a bad luck, this player might have an internet issue or having some emergency.
Second game, I got the same player 奶骑, seems like he dealt with his problem. But again, he instantly leaves the game after it started (after draft). I found something is not right. There were two same players in the opponent team both these games. Avrileera and TeamNotAtui. Avrileera is even the rank1 GM player in the NA server. Well I might just give some benefit of doubt. It is not right to make an amature assumption with such little evidence, right? Maybe it was just a coincidence. But this time, my teammates are super good and we managed to beat the enemy team with an A.I, until superisingly, This 奶骑 rejoined the game. But instead of helping us finishing the game. He started intentionally feeding. (Not playing bad, just walk into enemy team and stand still). And during later on objective, he just manually afk at a corner of the map.
Let me gave you more detials. Both these game, my teammates are not toxic players. So it is definitely not like the situation which someone being toxic and the victim goes throw the game on purpose. This is an obvious example of a teaming cheater throwing the game on purpose so his main account/ his friend whos on other team gain rank points. In addition, this GrandMaster #1 player, to be honest, he just has an average plat player skill, no map awareness, no map control. I wonder how he ends up in GM#1. And this account 奶骑, looks like a smurf, only a few games played but he is diamond.
Again, maybe this was all just a coincidence. As a player of HOTS, my power is limited. But the truth could be easily revealed if Blizzard investigates these 3 accounts’ gameplay history to see If this 奶骑 keep leaves every game whenever they are in the same game as the opponent.
If this is what HOTS becomes, I think this game is officially dead.


There is a huge amount of boosting and cheating in this game, and today was worse than any other day this month. Blatant win-trading all day long. I have the replays, but there’s nowhere to upload them, reports do nothing, and most of the offenders are on throwaway alts anyway.


You know naming players as a report is forbidden on the forums.

You know Blizzard doesn’t even care about the state of their games so there’s even less chance that they care about forum etiquette now.


You’d be surprised…
Sometimes it looks they punish people on forums more than in game.

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The moderation is abysmal in #competitive-discussion but there’s already multiple posts in the past 24 hours deleted in #general-discussion , including a thread.

Yup if you go to HotsLog and type the first name you mentioned
and click on friends coincidentally his top friend is the 2nd name you mentioned.

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I still can’t believe this thread is still up lol.


Av***a should be permabanned from the ladder, he is also “trading points” to his other accounts in case his GM#1 gets banned.

He queues as 5 with a guy called “CrazyCat”, then just sits afk in a bush or feed until the game is over and the other account he’s logged in with (either multiboxing or on another computer) wins the game.

Check their stats on hotslogs for proof. They have ~30% win ratio together and the other guy is 1300 MMR Bronze. I know naming and shaming is against the rules, but this person is blatantly gaming the ladder and cheating, by both throwing games intentionally to gain points, but by also “giving away” points to his other accounts.
(Check the friends tab)

Only possible because the current party system now matches you by the highest MMR in your party, so you can very easily have 2 of your accounts in each match if you multibox. Since the player population at his MMR is very low.

You can also look at his ingame stats and realize this is not a GM#1, he is going 1-7 on Raynor against gold and platinum ranked players.


There is a high population of low Bronze accounts with several hundred matches played this season, up to more than 2000 matches, that have a winrate below 30% and very much look like they’re botting or cleverly soft throwing. Yeah, I know that Bronze is supposed to be noob league, but there’s actually a surprising level of competence there because no one can advance once they get sucked into B5. People actually do soak, get camps, draft decently (other than the mandatory Fail’Thas ban). It is not possible to carry a thrower when they’re benefiting a wintrade partner on the other team, and the match history of the throw accounts shows that they play anywhere from 6 to 10 hours straight, sometimes multiple days in a row.

It also looks like the low winrate accounts are supplying data for map hacks on the other team. If they’re multiboxing they could just look at the other screen of course, but the precise skillshot aim with no vision suggests that it’s more than that.

Basically every time I see a Li-Ming now, I assume it’s a cheater. So many orbs coming out of nowhere through the FoW with no vision, dodging everything that comes at them perfectly. Junkrat, too.

I’ve sent replays into hacks@, along with a list of about two dozen throw/cheat/boost accounts, but I would be shocked if anything came of it.

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It is known that GM1 is the slot reserved for cheaters/exploiters.

agree hots needs to do something about it.
cause it effects the other people that are , actually good in this game and ppl who love the game makes them want to leave. If you guys report the players and fine something wrong report them and have the team do it.

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Players are in the game cheating and you are worried about forum rules?

I mean if you want your problem solved and let them aware of it without causing this thread deleted shouldn’t you know? Follow the rules?

As much as I wish they would. I pretty sure forums and posts are not gonna change the game much, They are already slacking on punishing trolls and feeders let alone cheaters claimed by forum posts.

Devs are reading these places, just because they aren’t responding to all of them doesn’t mean the forums/reddit changing absolutely nothing.


Yea forums wont change the game , but the community can instead of being toxic

I mean whats the point of cheating in a moba or any other game at all, if ppl say they are good than show it , don’t have to cheat to be good . I loose respect for them , to show that they are pathetic and worthless if they cheat in hots. or any competitive game for that matter.

Long as players are not being punished for such things as cheating, trolling, afking, feeding and so on. the problem is gonna get worse before it gets better. Even then players can just make another account and go back into ranked all over again cause the requirements to play ranked are so low.

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This practice has been running rampant at least in south east asia server (they still count as NA region) since the decline of playerbase in late 2016 and after hots 2.0 hyped died down, it’s so easy to gain master here at SEA server as hero league party, and now since the removal of hl and storm league there were many accounts trying to abuse the MM either by boosting new acc by gaining hidden qm mmr in leaver’s queue, using another account to contest for the other side of the team MM and there are other practices i maybe not know yet til now.
I used to be really absorbed with ranked MM but since I know there were many ppl abusing it i started to abandon this game slowly.

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