Caught red handed: boosting 4-stack

The game was in Bronze. I was put onto a team with a 4-stack, three of whom I recognized as notorious 30% winrate botters / throwers. The fourth was an unranked account that I’d never seen before, on his third and final placement match.

On the other team, one name I recognized as a 30% winrate botter / thrower.

I figured we were screwed until I saw that they were in a group. Braxis Holdout, the first Zerg wave pushed through to a victory in about 6 minutes.

When the match was over, the unranked guy was placed in Masters. All three of his placements had been in that Bronze 5 4-stack.

I’d love to share the replay with someone who can do something about this. Or I’ll just publish their Battlenet IDs.


Blizzard does not care about this and its stupid

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Or maybe they just play very badly? It is not a crime to have friends that play very badly and play with them, even if it is technically wasting ones time.

We all know a number of players are using bronze and low win rate accounts to help boost their own rank in this game. Players should be matched as if they were the rank of the highest ranking person in the group and unranked players should not be able to group with players until they have a rank.

A replay is not proof. It’s just a replay. Period, fact.

I hear you, but you knew it was wrong when you did it, you knew what the consequences were, and you did it anyway.

Read PTR notes… Like literally that is what is going to happen.

Players who have completed their placement games may no longer play Storm League in a party with players who have not completed their placement games.

Of course they could always group with other unranked players. But that can hardly be abused much.

Actual cheaters would just pay someone skilled to use their account, hence not need to party at all anyway.

You can find my video response on Twitch, look up TheMedivhShow. Responding to the storm episode… #1

And players already ranked should be matched as if they were the same rank as the highest player in the group that way diamonds are not grouping with golds for easier match making.

It already takes the average MMR and then adds a penalty for grouping. As such they are matched above the average already. Add on the potential dead weight they are carrying and it certainly will not make it easier for them.

I am certain you will find the real reason they are in parties with gold players is because they are actual friends with the gold players. People playing with others because they want to play together and not because they want to abuse the system…

It does not even help their MMR, since if the game is significantly easier than their MMR due to the match making then they get practically no MMR in return and stand to lose a ton if they lose.

MMR in this game is trash period.

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No hope in this game and since they released xp globes, is good for players that know the game mechanics but in lower rank minus Plat, they all forget to take xp globes and whines because they are losing the games and teamfights.

Or they simply hugs gates ennemy trying to take xp globes …

That patch was terrible for low ranks. Aka Bronze, Silver, Gold

Yeah exp globes were a mistake.

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