Can you fix Hogger please

In every Storm League match i play Hogger is always banned. There is a reason for it. I was in a 10 minute match where hogger had 128k siege, 40k self heal and did 120k damage. We couldn’t kill him 4v1. He is broken. He out solo lanes everyone. He out damages the strongest dps. He is hard as hell to kill because he is a Bruiser. Pick what he is going to be and let him excel at 1 thing… right now he is too op to even let in to a game.

Did you played 4 healers In Storm League??? Because even 1 mage is enough to kill Hogger, if you know how to play of course and not just lowskill bronze player.

hogger does seem to be a hit or miss to be honest. i do think he needs attention.

They can t fix it, they are at home for vacation…