Can we please get a Barista LiLi skin?

Hi there!

I was hoping to suggest that our favorite lil Panda be given a Barista LiLi outfit, of the sort worn in coffee shops such as Starbucks.

LiLi loves serving delicious and life-saving drinks to her team, and aside from that being her primary function, it must be noted that she does this with a chipper and friendly customer service that has made her a favorite on teams of valiant warriors who have all had their heads nearly caved in.

She’s simply the best Barista EVER! Even her Uncle Chen would agree, and he doesn’t drink coffee, he drinks booze.

Instead of tossing stuff like gourds, she should toss coffee cups with those little paper sleeves around them. And when she does her healing ultimate, it should be a giant coffee shop cup floating above her head with spurts of coffee flying out of it towards her teammates.

Voice lines should be stuff like “Wake up, silly head!” and “Here’s your coffee, on the house!”


I love it! It’s so nifty! :slight_smile:

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