Buff/Nerf a hero pointlessly

It ends when the channel is done, right?

Actually its not pointless because when timed her W can hit like a truck for the first and maybe second dragon impact.

Oops, as explained comments below, she has delays for the ability but in no means is defined as a channel.


Zagara gives 100% more bonus with Infest from destroying Cores.

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Um . . . which of Chromie’s abilities are channeled, again?

Her Sand Blast [Q], lasts for 0.5 seconds, considering how she’s played and behave, she can technically throw a W and start channeling her Q only to make her one of the Dragon impacts hit 4 times the normal value, its not pointless.


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Chromie has delays on her abilities, not channels. A channel would be something like Anduin’s flash heal or old rain of destruction, where the player is rooted for the duration of the ability unless canceled.


In that case, I did an oopsie.

Editing other comments.


  • Planet cracker lasts indefinitely until cancelled by the caster, or stopped by CC.
  • Also planet cracker can be aimed while firing
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Increase Abathur’s HP by 5.
Increase Abathur’s damage in melee by 5.

Yes. Because that’s not utterly breaking a hero. :roll_eyes:

A lot of you need to reread the op


Hero Updates


  • Basic Attacks now cleave in a radius of 3.25 in an arc in front of Malthael
  • Damage reduced from 117 to 82


  • Soul Rip (Q)

    • Healing reduced from 44 to 36 per enemy hit
  • Death’s Shroud (E)

    • Width increased from 2.25 to 3
  • Reaper’s Mark (Trait)

    • Damage reduced from 2% to 1.75% of an enemy’s maximum Health
  • Tormented Souls (R)

    • No longer applies Armor to Malthael
  • Last Rites (R)

    • Cooldown reduced from 75 to 65 seconds
    • Malthael can now also gain Quest credit if the enemy Hero dies within 1.5 seconds of Last Rites damage
    • Range increased from 4 to 5


  • Level 4

    • Die Alone (Q)

      • This now once again applies bonus damage if only 1 Hero is marked, even if multiple other non-Heroes are also marked
    • Throwing Shade (E)

      • Reduced the hits needed to complete the quest from 20 to 15
    • Black Harvest (Trait)

      • Quest completion requirement increased from 150 to 180 seconds
  • Level 7

    • Massacre (W)

      • Moved from Level 16 to Level 7
    • Touch of Death (Active)

      • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
  • Level 13

    • Soul Siphon (Q)
      • Reduced the healing from 4% to 3.75% versus Heroes
  • Ethereal Existence (Trait)

    • Maximum Physical Armor reduced from 40 to 30
  • Level 16

    • Mortality (W)
      • Moved from Level 7 to Level 16
      • Damage increased from 4 to 6% of an enemy Hero’s maximum Health
  • Level 20

    • Reaper of Souls (R)
      • Bonus duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
      • Hero Takedowns will now reset the duration instead of increasing it by 4 seconds

That hurt my soul


It hurts every day

Bunker health increased from 1305 to 1310.


Probius: 10 seconds after arming, Warp Rifts deal 400% more damage when detonated.


The Butcher: Branding an enemy increases attack speed by 50% but reduces attack damage by 50%.

That isn’t quite pointless, as increased attack speed is better for cutting through various block talents.

Hmm, faster Attack Speed with less damage seems like it would be the same, but Armor would have a different effect on his DPS.

Do you mind clarifying?

How so?
Let’s say a hero has 10 armor which translates to 10% damage reduced and Butcher has 200 attack damage.
10% of 200 is 20. So 20 damage is reduced making him deal 180 damage.
Now if his attack is 100 then he will deal 100 damage minus the 10% armor reduction which is 90 damage. But he attacks twice as fast so double that.

Both ways he will deal 180 damage in the same amount of time.

Attack speed with the same DPS is actually extremely important to the gameplay of the hero. There are many advantages and disadvantages to having fast attack speed vs. high burst.

The block issue she represents earlier is one of the examples of how attack speed effects players. If you were to block Tychus’s attack with one block, you’d block 40ish damage. If you blocked Butcher’s attack (with full stacks) you’d block around 300 damage. 300 damage is over 7 times the damage mitigation of 40 damage.