Bruh devs, do you even play qm?!

Devs wtf man, its so frustrating to play against falstads lightning build over 70% of every qm i play in. Its broken, you fully know its broken because you even made a joke about it on reddit. How hard is it to make a super quick hotfix nerfing his damage? Also Mei Snowball passes through gates and the destroyable walls around gates. Please start tuning some of the ridiculous damage this game has as well as its overwhelming cc. I know you know cc is a issue or you would of never added that spell to remove and become immune to cc at one point.


What do you play that sucks against Falstad?

its not that i suck, its that he destroys my team. I’m almost always chogall and it doesnt do anything to me but at the same time till late levels i can’t do anything to him either.

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Besides pulling a Tracer, I know that you can wipe him out fast with team focus or getting just some CC on him. Throw Hogger or Diablo on him and you might be fine.

Mei’s Avalanche passes through terrain.
It only stops at terrain or structures if its range wouldn’t be enough to pass through, so it drops heroes in the “near” side rather than the “far” side.
It’s a little weird, but intended.