Broken random in all game categories

Why am I, being bronze 1, meeting a party of 3 platinum 2 players? In aram, also in qm too. I have secnd acc and do you know what? I have met party platinum 2 players as well, being Gold 4.

I have simple question…why?

Why also i have not the same teamates or Ok, to be clear, why is it even possible here?

Don’t put too much stock in rank, this game has broken match making, problems with smurfs, problems with teams vs solos and is F2P: all of which can obfuscate rank and personal skill significantly in a game where teamwork is fundamental for success.

Basically, your team is only as good as the worst player allows them to be whether that player is on your team or the opponent’s - and that, combined with the other variables I mentioned means match making shouldn’t be taken seriously.

A good example was one game where I was Deckard, another player and I went to go kill the boss since we were 5v4, we pinged and pinged. Nobody showed up - except the enemy on the last 2 hits for boss, kills 2 of us, gets the boss and wins the game.

Then they blame us for not showing up to boss for 3 minutes while we had advantage, which was a noob mistake on their end - followed up by BlAmE ThE HeAlEr.

Can’t take this game seriously these days.

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The moba game can’t be that broken. This destroys the essence of moba genre games. How then will people be able to achieve success in it?

The game is in maint mode. They dont care about it at all. Only reason it is still active is because people are still spending money. Otherwise they would close it down.

I’ll start with a disclaimer: I only play vs AI, so I don’t really know what I’m talking about in this case.

That out of the way, I’ve heard/read that you have a separate MMR for QM and for ranked, and that ARAM doesn’t even use MMR at all (?)
If that’s the case, there’s no point considering the rank of players in non-ranked modes (although in theory, more skilled players should be more skilled in all modes, and should have higher rank).

So… Maybe they draft good, but don’t play that much better? :man_shrugging:

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How are you guys even playing? Can’t even hit ‘‘Play’’ it’s been greyed out for an hour with the message ‘‘Queues are unavailable at the moment’’.

As Efede posted, the rank you posted is only for ranked mmr and does not influence QM – which has it’s own matching – or ARAM – which effectively ignores mmr for that mode’s matching.

Outside of that, mmr matches generally average the weight of the whole side for the matching. The game encourages players to play in parties, and since a party can pair up with players in diverse ranks, the average that they’re matched against means that the other side can also have players in various ranks for the matching average. This is further obfuscated as partied players also have an mmr handicap since it’s expected they’ll play better than solo pug pick-ups.

A team of 1500, 1600, 1700, 1600, 1500 mmr could be matched against a team of 1580, 1580, 1580, 1580, 1580. The 1580 may go “zomg we’re matching against someone a few ranks higher than we are” without really thinking much about the mmr math involved.

That aside, mmr is just numbers, and people don’t play consistently enough for any given number to really reflect how they play with any given hero, on a particular map, in diverse roles, and tries to act as an indication of average performances somewhat akin to how cars tend to show “speed” instead of acceleration.

However, since ‘math’ is scary, people would try to avoid it in favor of complaining things have to be broken, rather than some semi-arbitrary series of numbers and properties.


I doubt the average player will ever really understand MMR averaging either. Most people do not analyze replays or stats and realize a 3100 MMR may be matched with a 1900 and 1200, and that might sometimes be the only way to create a 2000 rated match in any reasonable timeframe (especially on small servers).

Is it an optimal way to create matches? Hell no. But given the current population the game has, it’s the only way of creating matches. The other option is not playing at all and staying in que for hours with no game.

Is it fun for a 3100 to play against five 2000’s when his lowest teammate is 1200? Can he carry? Does he want to be obligated to carry that hard? Is the match fun for that 1200 who is vastly outskilled by every ally and enemy in the match and will die 16 times & get flamed or even reported?

These issues are unsolvable with the current player base since that might be the only way he ever gets to play a match at all (in a reasonable time frame).

But players from 5-4 gold cannot play with players from 2 platinum, especially if he recently rolled from diamond - this is a cardinal difference in the level of play and skill of the heroes. Gold players will never rise higher in this way…

This is the same condition that makes the random broken. Such things cannot be called normal in any situation.

Really, no one will do anything about it anymore?….

I think you’re yet to be informed that HotS is in maintenance mode, in the Classic department in Blizz along with SC1, SC2, D3, W3 and all that. It means it’s not a game which Blizz actively invest money into, to spend man/dev-power on. There can be changes, yes, but there is no guarantee when. So mind as well not expect it.

As for,

ARAM has no MMR (matchmaking rating, the matching similar skill level players together system).

QM uses MMR averaging. It can match players of higher rank and lower rank together, as long as the average MMR of the team is similar. This can get screwy when there are stacked que players though. Ranked matches by rank (but this too can get screwy when stacked que comes into equation).

QM has separate MMR btw, from Rank. QM MMR can differ from Ranked rank if the player didn’t play QM much.

Aram has no mmr, no MM rules. 10 totally randomly picked players.

QM has a separate mmr from SL.

Rainbow premades, mmr averaging and the fact that the MM can only work with ppl actively in queue can mess up things in a lowpopulated game such as this one.

But what about the team league?

I constantly see a high plat with low silver, this difference is even more than one rank, shouldn’t it have been banned for a long time?

That’s just written, it’s a big difference in skill.

Got merged with Hero League to create SL.

Iirc, that’s the max difference that is allowed, unless full 5stack? :thinking:

But at least in 5 stacks the highest mmr (rank) member used for creating a match, ignoring the low ranked players for MM.

if they ‘can’t rise’ then that is the limit of their ‘skill’ and that is the purpose of MMR: to find the skill range and match people accordingly. However, the number and metric are arbitrary and tend to cater to a poor understanding of what ‘skill’ entails and only serves to gratify people with something shiny. If they understand how to improve, then the number is mostly superficial.

People tend to think they’ll ‘grind out’ an mmr climb the say way they’d get gear from Wow/Diablo and hope time turns into stat boosts to compensate for limited strategy, performance, and cooperation. Part of the issue of the playerbase is that basic gameplay – soaking experience, not dying, and aiming skillshots – are effectively “cheating” to the average player. Simply playing one game after another in a “fair match” does not mean that they can, or will climb. Since the match tries to create a match where both sides have an “equal chance” to win, what commonly happens is that a player will start at the low end of an averaging block and get carried for a few games. When the MMR rises, they’re not on the upper portion of the same average and have players below their rating to create the same average. However, since their ‘skill’ didn’t actually increase, they do not fill the same role of increased responsibility, lose some games, and stay around the same area. Instead of reflecting on what they can do better, they look for something else to fault instead.

“oh, I’m a gold but I’m matched against a plat”

Outside of boosting smurfs, most of the skill divergence between non-GM ranks is all over the place: the game does not reward specific mechanical prowess, and it doesn’t teach people the ‘correct play’, so most players are in the same mess making the same mistakes and just looking for something to blame instead. Usual ‘climbs’ just have people party together so there’s more likely to be better cooperation on that side: two people moving together is that much harder to gank, and that much easier to contest an objective. However, it doesn’t take a party for a player to learn to coordinate with another.

Regardless of most individual ‘skills’, team cooperation tends to be more telling of game success as a typical player will either engage one-at-a-time, or run away while one ally takes all the damage.

2000 damage on 1 hero kills a lot of the roster, but that same 2000 split across 2-3 heroes becomes something that can be healed up and seem like damage wasn’t dealt at all; so a common reaction is that people’s perspectives oscillate between ‘no damage’ and “zomg op”, so having a buddy being able to step in and soak or two, stand ground and deal damage, tends to do more toward winning a game (climbing) then someone playing out hundreds of games at bronze, silver, or whereever.

So long as people don’t notice those little things they’ll do for a friend, and not do for an ally, then they’re not going to climb the ranks regardless of whatever color border or plaque is attached to their avatar. So long as a matching system does not enforce specific skill expectations on their metric, then there aren’t any expectations to have on what separates one rank from another.

What people can do is put in that extra bit of gameplay awareness and actually be the improvement they expect to actually climb the ranks, and not assume this is some Baal Run or Arthas raid and they’ll eventually grind out the loot/wins. The ‘random’ matching is just math, and the metrics are what they are. What is ‘broken’ is how people avoid doing the processes that get them better at the game, and then wonder why they didn’t climb.

While an mmr can be higher for one player, the ‘skill’ weighted by the system is spread so thin that any number of variables could be throw out the effective value of that number. However, if people are fixated on something being more shiny than their own, then they’re likely already coming up with excuses to not perform to the weight of their own mmr, so of course they’re going to ‘not climb’.

5 gold and platinum 2, with a completely different level of play - should they meet in matches?