Bring back the old solo and team league

Please bring back the old solo and team league in ranked play…
Its just getting annoying when you face off againts a 3 or more players thequality of the games drop so much…


Agreed and stop allowing silver players to que with plat players so the plat player gets played down. If you are on a low lvl account and que with a higher ranked player, you should be matched as if you were plat yourself.

Solo / duo was the best and most fun ranked system this game has ever had.


i miss solo when u need skills to carry u self

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Soloq vs full party = completely trash


Solo q and gets 4 players almost exactly the same rank. But gets matched against a team with plats and bronze players and the bronze are probably diamond or higher smurfs…

I thought the point of the ranking system was to play against people around your skill level? This current system only focuses on premades and how to abuse them to get easier match ups. Its honestly trash

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Do you want wait times > 10 minutes?

If that means im not gonna get matched with people who afk at 2mintues cause someone died and waste a 10-15 min game with a loss then gladly.

Teams are terrbile. Arranged vs random teams. They should increase the search time again


Agreed. Storm league is too stupid to play. I keep getting paired VS teams of 5 or 4, which makes it impossible to win. went from diamond 1 to D4 just because of your crap MM and the stoopid Storm League. I mean, how do you even THINK that solo players have any chance of winning VS a coordinated team on voice chat?

SL is the worst idea blizz ever had. I sure wont play this crap until its fixed.

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