Bout time for some D'Va nerfs yall

Her win rate is rocketing, and she’s getting picked every game

She just brings too many health bars to the fight, along with zoning and damage



Merk asks for nerfs for all heroes, just ignore him.



Clearly needs a nerf, she’s asking for it.

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I’m still confused how and what is causing players to say that D.Va’s damage is so high. Is it her AA? Is it Self-Destruct? Is it Micro Missiles? Boosters? I honestly don’t see anything wrong here. Maybe I haven’t played against a good D.Va player yet… :man_facepalming:

She’s still relatively easy to blow up in the middle of a team fight from what I have been seeing in streams, she just now has the utility and supporting capabilities to justify being in Mech mode for 85% of the game. She’s still weak when de-meched and should be rightfully so. If players continue to complain why her Pilot mode is weak, that player needs to learn how to stay alive in Mech mode or give her Torpedo Dash and Concussive Blast baseline (if the player consensus is that she’s unnecessarily too weak), but you can only use them once. This is similar to Chen’s Storm, Earth, Fire where you can only use each of their abilities once.


She’s extremely OP. Anybody with a thousand games under their belt in any MOBA can see it. Her level 1 talent to access healing fountain while reducing its cooldown is about the most absurd thing ever. Bruisers don’t work in this game unless they have artificial self-sustain, things that break fantasy. Like how does dropping a turret grant a shield? How does crashing into things, increase the life of the mech? 3 healing talents? 1 is obviously always going to outperform. The healing fountain one essentially tops off her health bar while in the field. It’s insane.

I don’t know why she gets a full energy bar for a self-destruct killing only minions or structures. It’s too much damage for having a knockaway. If it could be more frequently used for less damage or no knockback, players would have the choice to commit or get out of the circle. As it stands now, you have no choice but to exit the circle or die trying. Her AA in mech is huge.

They nerfed Imperious as they released 2 bruiser reworks. Why nerf a hero because he gets picked so often when they just released two reworks? To encourage more games? Is this balance or constant Alpha testing.

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I think she just needs some AA damage nerf tbh. Overall think she is pretty balanced. Next Wednesday though.


Shes a bit overtuned. Ive seen far too many bad dvas get value out of her. That’s generally the point in my head where heroes need nerfs.

But OP lol ok.

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I would rather take Diablo, ETC, Mei, Johanna, Imperius, Artanis, or Garrosh than her. She’s a nice bruiser, but she has no forward damage until late game, and functions more like a mid-line disruptor. Given how extraordinarily easy it is to kill her out of mech, even just standard burst, I think it’s hard to label her OP.


Those are all bruisers except arthas and imperius. Diablo could possibly qualify as a bruiser too

20 characters and

Sad, but true. Diablo was S-tier for tanks, and then they reworked him with a stupid amount of buffs and now he’s basically pick or ban.

Getting real tired of the overbuffed Diabolical Momentum netting him 2-4 Overpowers every teamfight now.

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Ok, switch out “bruiser” for tank and it makes sense. DVA was being compared to tanks when eniya wrote they’d rather have those heroes over dva

It’s from Micro missiles and Rush-Down.
My old stats
My new stats
Phys dmg are the same, but I do almost twice as much spell dmg now.

Liquid Cooling is actually her worst lvl 1 lol.

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cuz rock it sock it bro. it’s a pun cuz sock it = socket. the socket is where the shield goes. it’s not complicated :expressionless:

Idk i kinda like seeing him around again. He disappeared for a while. Granted i play alot of heroes with % damage.

Looked strong for the little time i tried and faced her.
I do think whithout much risk that she’ll get some nerfs.

Lmao that’s her worst talent

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Again another cry thread.

She is not even the strongest bruiser. By any means.

Artanis is a hard counter to her, and stack quest forever with all her healthbars. Additionally, he just clears waves just as fast as her. Plus god-swaps.

Imperius deletes her. Many threads about how OP he is, and those are definitely more right than DVa’s.

Sonya, although not the S+ she used to be, is still a badass. No weak points, and possibly the best two ulties from a bruiser (besides tomb).

Varian (taunt, obviously) works wonders, depending on map.

Leoric does what dva can, but arguably better. Fast double soak, reduce whole team damage, stay on fight most of the time, high damage…

then you have xul and rexxar.

All these can be much useful and better solos in most circumstances.

Plus the niche picks. Valeera, samuro, arthas… maaany strong solos for certain situations.

DVa is not OP. She is just strong, as it should be. Some talent changes and she is perfectly balance. She is veeeery easy to counter.

She feels like the real DVa after her rewrork in OW, strong and veeery fun. But you want her to become in what she is now in OW. A troll pick. Remember DVa in hots was just that for 2 years straight (I used to main her, in both games. Now I can only do it here, at least in high MMR ranked).


ahh yes that time of the month again, where people started the month by saying “ is horrible now, you ruined her she needs a BUFF!” and ends the month by going “ is broken now, NERF HER!”.

Oh forums how i missed your silly complaints after not bothering to even test the heroes for a week or 2 before complaining.