Botton line; different Universe

So here is the proposal; I realize there has been a lot of backlash regarding Deathwing. I along with everyone else in the HotS community reveled in the idea of such a profound blizzard figure with such lore to finally be released. We all anticipated and watched the trailers / reveals. However, there were some intricacies that were not taken into account.

I am mainly referencing the impact on specific game elements that have been well developed and effectively evaluated over time by the developers. I am a Butcher main at level 183 and with the release of Deathwing he has been almost essentially negated to becoming null in void.

Here are the simple numbers and facts; Cho’gal has 2950 base hp with a potential 25 armor upon activation. Deathwing not only has more hp at 3329 base, but also 40 armor (diminishing by 10 hp with each plate). Deathwing is obviously permanently unstoppable making him extremely difficult to kill.

My suggestion, advisement, and proposal is not necessarily for any changes to Deathwing; we all get it he is a dragon aspect, world destroyer, the cataclysmic aspect of death. Rather as a Alpha HotS player and Butcher main… how is it that he is not worth at least double meat?

This not only makes no sense, but it is not even viable to try and kill him at all for the amount of effort it takes for just a single hero meat kill. Yes Cho’gal is two players, but he is exponentially easier to kill than Deathwing.

Side note, Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft are all completly different universes from a lore perspective. It is very viable and believable that a DEMON would be able to lock down a dragon with an ultimate.

In conclusion, please for the love of Alexstrasza; at the very least just make Deathwing worth double meat for Butcher. Just take a look at the numbers.

Actually i use to wonder that about Cho’gall back before he got badly nerfed since he was a pain to fight with Butcher as well since Gall is immune to silence effects and that huge hp pool and damage both players deal (much easier now that they got nerfed to s’hit), plus as a DW main he does indeed feel worth double the meats specially after his craze begins to drop and his counters show up less often such as Malthael and Leoric.

What you’re saying makes a lot of sense, but there are still a few issues with that. DWs deal ia that he can’t redieve benefits from his allies, so he can’t recieve any supprt while fighting. Sure he’s a big and scary dragon, but when you get him pinned down there isn’t much he can do. He might be a powerhouse with a lot of staying power, but he still has about thw same chance of dying as any other hero on his team if he picks the wrong fights. Awarding more for killing him just would be fair with way he is intended. Aside from that, if he would give more meat, shouldn’t murky and the lost vikings give less?
To sum this up i’d say that we should wait and see what the devs does. In a week or two his winrate should drop to something more manageable, and people will have realised that you just need high mobility and/or percentage damage to beat him.

That’s very much on purpose. Unlike Cho’gall, Deathwing is still one player. That means your team still has four other people. Deathwing should be no more impactful than a normal bruiser, he should just have different strengths and weaknesses. I’d say Blizzard nailed that.

I totally agree on that, but it has been few days now and he isn’t showing much of a decrease in effectiveness. I know we should just wait and see, but as things are right now he is extremely useful to have on your team. I currently have a 75% winrate on him (18/6) and 2 of the defeats were back when I had no idea of how you should play him. I’d probably add a double death timer to his trait to balance it out. (Graymane is seriously a pain though, those damn cursed bullets…)