Boost Price Suggestion

Currently, if we want to buy a one year Boost, we have to pay about $85-$100. I like the game… I would like to support the game… but I don’t like it that much, to shell out that amount of money.

I feel a good price range would be:

$1 for the one week Boost

$3 for the one month Boost

$20 for the one year Boost

That price range feels much more approachable for the current state of the game. My hope is, more players will get Boosts. Players who have Boosts feel compelled to play more. Players who play more create more interest in the game. And of course, the bottom line: more revenue is created for the game.


Decresing some boost priced sounds reasonable, but dividing the og price by 4-5, esoecially to the 1 year-long, is a bit too greedy imo.
I doubt the game (which needs support indeed) gets that much from $20/year/player. This is such a low income.

Keep in mind, lvling up gives free:

  • gold
  • lootchests (so shards, cosmetics, latter which should make money)
  • gems (which is technically money)

So ppl with Boosts are less likely to buy more stuff, since Boosts give them those that they want, or at least enable them for an easier free “purchase”.