Blizzard wants you to be 50% of victory, not more

I were at 55% win rate in ranked then the matchmaking place me with people they have less then 50% win rate for ‘adjusting me’, now i have 49% win rate
I’m totally sure they have an algorithm for ‘adjusting’ people


Damn they really need to check on it. I played over 8000 games (no AI) and still have 58,9% winrate!

Blizzard, fix your forced 50-50, it’s not working!!11


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Great comment, he specifically mentions ranked not your overall win rate…please read

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Oh sorry, my bad.
Let me correct it so it is ranked only:

Damn they really need to check on it. I played over 1700 games and still have 57.3% winrate!

Blizzard, fix your forced 50-50, it’s not working!!11


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That’s like, really impressive. Are you a master / GM?

5 man arranged team that doesnt lose wont be a 50/50 stat

I actually have 58% of winrate. I finished md10 at bronze 3 (really dont know why that low level) and now i’m gold 4.

Can relate. I am either getting in games with people in a group or I am with a group and the people in them are really REALLY bad. Like you can do everything figuratively speaking “right” and still lose somehow because the opposing teams knows how to single out someone. And then you’re left with a 4 v 5 engage with an obj about to start. And then the rest of the match is a Meme. Sorry I meant slippery slope.

I agree that. Mathcmaking is always so bad. I told them 10000 times but they just silenced me :)) If some other company have game like HOTS i am sure the game will be more and more better.

you can always go play LoL at anytime if you are unhappy here. just saying… option is there.

Do you literally not know what LOL or DOTA are? If you’re complaining about yourself being bad and toxic in HOTS go fire up LOL, you’ll fit right in.

And players have massively went back to LOL and DOTA lol. Which is why the game is dying… thur duhhhhh…!