Blizzard Should FIX Matchmaking or just shut down HOTS

blizzard should FIX this worst than the bubonic plague matchmaking system and the reporting system as well. like for an EXAMPLE players who play solo should be gathered together. i have played 3 games ruined by players who go solo. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH this is the reason why many people have shifted to lol. HOTS is a great game but its ruined for casual players like me. and if blizzard truly cares this is a massage to you "THIS IS YOUR WORST technical issue by far everything else is minor so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX IT"


Very nice that you want give Blizzard a massage!

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don’t hold your breath



Agree, they need to just take ranked out of this game. The only thing that fixes it at this point is a complete over-haul on how MMR gets calculated including a personal score per game and a complete mmr reset. They aren’t going to do that, so they should just take ranked out of the game.

Who do they think this will upset? Anybody who plays this game a lot isn’t going to quit because of an MMR change/reset. Most all master/gm players make smurf after smurf just to do the bronze/gm challenge anyway. There are people in gold/plat that don’t even understand basic game mechanics.


Just found out today that there is literally no option to actually contact support directly, so I will just post this here:

I feel like the matchmaking server is having a vendetta against me.
I keep losing. Repeatedly. In ranked (don’t even get me started on QM).
I constantly get groups I’m doomed to fail with. Even playing my strongest characters I’m getting butchered because I get pitted with people who constantly don’t cooperate, troll, being noticeably just bad, so on and so forth, while the team against us is well coordinated and having better quality of players. Can’t see if the other group is a premade anymore (for mysterious reasons I can probably guess). But the fact is I just get butchered for several games, then get a cheap victory or two (or sometimes as much as 10), and then back to the dirt. It’s just shallow. I have no hope of getting to higher tiers whatsoever, because ranks work per game and not per individual and I’m hopeless against this thing giving me very incompetent team mates over and over again. If the matches were close I would be fine with it, but every time it’s one team stomping the other and nearly never feels like a fair fight. I do end up losing more than winning, though, and it rarely feels like I had anything to do about it. It’s like the game deliberately wants me to quit. And I’m not the only one feeling that, even when playing with my friends they tell me they were doing fine until they group up with me and we start getting shredded. Am I being targeted or something??

Here goes. Honestly? I just do that to vent. I know Blizzard doesn’t care. Old Blizzard is dead.


Games gonna shut down with in a year or two anyway so no need to take it out, games killing itself.


Why would they do that, No Brainers like to Play Quick Match and Brawls, … The game was created and thinking for Draft and Counter and Synergy .

Quick Match doesn t match with these concept.
Brawl is for people that don t want to understand the game and put some effort to get better.

That s it.
Exception : Brawl is good to learn new heroes and Qm is also good to train heroes, but when you re hero got level 15+ , shouldn t be allowed anymore in Quickmatch and directly to Unrank and Stormleague.

This game isn t enough serious.

couldnt hurt im sure.
maybe if they do a good job someone will be happy. then we will get nice things.

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