Blaming the victim against boosters in Storm League

Bit of a rant.

So my friend and I, me being gold 4 currently and my friend being plat 4 currently queue for a game. We end up in a team where all three of our teammates are gold 2 or 1 because that’s our average. We end up against a plat 2 and silver 2 grouped. Of course the plat 2 forces the silver to play healer and he goes lucio, while the plat goes guldan. Now the plat booster is a whole LEAGUE ahead of the average for this game. Next thing you know, we lose the game because the lucio just exists while the guldan racks 150,000 hero damage. We almost came back through sheer teamwork but we just couldn’t beat this guy because he’s simply better than us. Fast forward to the end of the game. We lose, shocker. I carried on anduin with heals the whole game. I actually managed to outheal the lucio while DOWN levels. This is one of my better played games. So i’m thinking, “we wont lose a lot of points because we really couldnt have reasonably won that game right? They had a plat 2 carrying on guldan.” NOPE. I lose 224 rank points for the loss. The game doesn’t make me lose less points because im the victim to the boost, it adds an extra 24 because why not?! I don’t even know if the silver 2 was a smurf or not, if he was thats even worse honestly.

This competitive system is beyond broken. I love the game but this kind of stuff happening every other game is the reason people leave this game.

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Put your feelings aside, it was just 1 loss that you can make up with 1-2 wins. You and your friend are only 40% of the team. If Gul’dan was giving you that much of a problem you should’ve tried to focus Lucio instead, and if he outplayed you even with that, then “Learn from the pain.”

Sure it’s frustrating, but unless it’s happening every other game consider it as an opportunity to grow.

The problem is that the I’m being punished for being the victim, and the guldan is actually getting LESS rank points, which will keep him in that rank longer so he can do this even more. Yeah I can learn from it, but the punishment for losing wasn’t justified. This isn’t frustrating, it’s bad competitive design. Punish the victim extra while letting the perpetrator continue his shenanigans even longer than normal.

It was never a matter of “we focused the wrong guy” we just went up against a man who was simply much better than us, by using a player that was worse than us and forcing him to play a low skill to effectiveness character for the rank I’m in. Even if we focused and killed lucio, the amount of impact that would make wouldn’t cancel out the impact of having a simply much better player in a more game changing category against us.

Boosting is a problem, and could be lessened considerably by reducing the massive gap between ranks for parties currently allowed. You can currently play with another person 2 whole leagues below you. A grandmaster can queue with a diamond and crap on low masters. If the max rank difference was for instance 1 rank, (which would effect friends of different ranks playing together in some instances), the effectiveness of the boost would be half a rank at most with the average in a 2 man party like in my instance. The only downside to this is that some people who just want to play with friends much higher or lower than them wouldn’t be able to unless they could get to at least a league apart. Honestly, I’d prefer more secure and fair matches over the downside.

Also, there’s a definite trend here, whenever said boost happens, almost every single time the lower rank party member plays a high impact low skill floor healer, while the higher rank member plays a high skill high impact character, kelthuzad being a common choice for boosters. They do this every time because they know if they give the lower member an easy role, they can get him to perform at a level close to the rest of the matches rank, while the booster uses his massive advantage in skill to wipe everyone with relative ease. If it was simply, “learn from this”, or “focus the healer”, then these boosts simply wouldn’t work. They only work because the solution isn’t that easy or plausible in the match itself. You’re outclassed and can’t do much at all about it. The fact that this pattern happens so often is because it works so often. If it was counterable they’d stop, because the boost isn’t working anymore, and said boosters would be losing rank points. My main issue with this is that when the boosters win, the game recognizes they won over a lower ranked opponent and gives them less rank points, so they stay in a lower rank and can boost longer, therefore giving them MORE matches to ruin before climbing to a rank that they are no longer higher skilled than. As for the victims that lose, the game says “well the enemy team had a guy a league below you” so they add significantly extra rank points to your amount lost for losing the match. If you could simply learn and conquer or “kill the healer” and win then this wouldn’t be a continued problem, yet it is.

Your point about whether or not it’s happening every other game is the kicker though. It is. I think this might be a product of a declining player base, and me liking to play my matches later in the day, roughly 8-10 pm, since I like to play before I head in for the night. The problem is that the game simply can’t find enough players in my rank fast enough, so it takes a boost party that averages to my rank and uses it to fill the team needing more players to start. I’d be completely down for longer queue times, since I look at my phone or find some music while I wait, if it means I get matches without heavily averaged parties. Sometime’s the booster party is even on my team, but that still ruins the match for my opponents. Whether it’s on my team or not, a booster game means someone is being unfairly matched, and the booster always get’s the low reward for winning so he can keep boosting, regardless what team he’s on. 40% of my last 20 games of comp have had a booster party consisting of a much higher and much lower player. 80% of those have resulted in a win for the booster team due to a hard carry. That’s 32% of all my 20 past comp games that have been won or lost unfairly and the game always punishes those who lose against them. Those numbers have all been recorded from my own games I just update them in a notepad I have whenever play a match.

We shouldn’t just look at a badly matched up game and say “well i guess i learned something from this” and continue to let it happen. Something needs to be done about this so we don’t just let these boosters get away with it.

At least, that’s what I feel, and if you could give me some of your ideas about it that’d be greatly appreciated. I’m open to all criticism and ideas.

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IIRC the game looks at average MMR, same reason why you were matched against a Plat and a bunch of Silvers while your team is Gold. The average MMR of your team was higher so the game expected you to be better.
Solving this is pretty difficult and requires some kind of new and entirely revolutionary MM and point calculation system.
Performance based MMR announced in the past was actually this, or wanted to be. Sadly it turned out to be stat padding fest and little relevance on what actually makes the game.
I don’t know what’s the status on that but said system is supposed to use a neural network and when they took it out they said something about the system still gathering data. Perhaps one day it’ll be worth to put that system back in.

They could fix this that if you group with someone a higher rank than you then it boosts you up to that rank forcing you to play as if you were whatever rank.

It would remove some smurfing from this game.


While I doubt the claimed rank spread, (please link a replay.) I do think rainbow teams should be reigned in, either by shrinking the allowed spread to within 3000 rank points, or giving 2 check boxes for choosing to group with or against rainbow groups; in exchange for a shorter matchmaking time.

I should not see the poster, a gold 4, in my games at plat 3. He himself admits having a full tier between two players is stupid, while he is grouping with his friend a full tier above him, hoping to get carried.

The MMR system assumes teams coordinate picks and plays, like the Lucio and Guldan. ( Lucio pads Gul’s weaknesses, immobile, susceptible to burst, greatly benefits from sustained AoE healing. )

Where as I doubt the poster had much co-ordination with his teammate. As a Lightbomb - Tyrael Charge, would have instantly solved the Gul’dan problem.

The fact of the matter is this game’s difficulty curve has a steep incline. 5 seconds of staying in lane and ignoring a ping can stop the chain of merc pressure that overwhelms the enemy team. 1 misstep late game and you die, causing a meat grind, throwing the game at higher tiers. ( I always call out the lower tier players as targets, and they always die from poor positioning. )

He said it himself “we just couldn’t beat this guy because he’s simply better than us.” That tells you everything you need to know. He can’t even see a way they COULD have won.

Players that far out of their depth in Ranked simply cannot compensate for this newfound difficulty, and should never have been matched there in the first place.

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Actually guldan doesn’t get THAT much less rank points. I messaged a guy who was doing this the other day after I ran into them. They said the bronze kid they were queued with was only getting like 20 points but the higher ranked people on their team were getting 170+, he acknowledged that it was broken too. I think that they should not allow people to party if they are outside of 2 or 3 ranks of each other. Either that or extremely penalize the points given to those wins. It’s pretty ridiculous getting a platinum kid in my silver game of complete randoms while they are a 4 or 5 stack. I don’t care if you are bronze 5. If you have half a brain and are in coms with a couple of good players you aren’t going to lose much and a bronze 5 shouldn’t be able to queue up with a gold player and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be partying with a plat player. That just makes no sense at all. It is ruining the match making.