Best Carry Heroes


New Hots player, I dont plan on spending money on this game and as a result I have very few champions unlocked and getting gold takes forever so Id like to spend it wisely.

Can anyone suggest who the best Hero to carry games with right now?

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Well if you want to carry you’re going to want a hero with good waveclear, and good ability to teamfight.

For that I would suggest many of the ranged assassin heroes, namely Sylv and Greymane. They can clear waves effectively, clear and take mercenary camps, do a ton of damage to objectives, and have solid mobility options. Valla is also up there but her ability to do mercenary camps is much lower.

I also suggest picking a few healers and see which ones you like, I personally recommend Rehgar for his solid waveclear, decent CC, decent damage, mobility, and access to cleanse (CC immunity for one second) combined with Ancestral Healing (a delayed heal for like 2000 on average).

Tanks I would suggest ETC, he can waveclear, has built in sustain, has a lot of CC, and both of his ultimates are extremely powerful in the form of one of the longest stuns in the game (also AOE) and being global. If you’ve played League of Legends then think Pantheon’s old ultimate only better in every way but damage.

Hopefully that’ll get you started, good luck. I also suggest Alarak but he hard forces you to teamfight to be effective and while his damage and CC are top tier his potency is tied into a killstreak mechanic that boosts his spell damage and healing when he gets kill participation (reset on death). If you like other MOBA games then Alarak is great for you. However his waveclear and personal objective killing power is garbage.


Long time League player, have played some DOTA 2 as well.

Appreciate the suggestions, including the healer and tank suggestions as I would like to have some competency playing each role eventually.

I suggest Rehgar. Good wave clear, peel, healing and can take merc camps (Because your allies will always ignore them before objectives, and then grab them after the objective).

Also you have an idiot saver as heroic (Ancestral healing)

Falstad, Fenix, Kel’Thuzad and Raynor. KTZ can carry, but you’ll need a lot of practice. (Though you’ll be getting gold while you do) Fenix is hard to counter and Raynor is solid as long as you don’t push your luck (You don’t have an escape tool so you can’t be in the wrong place).

Falstad has several tools to bring value to his team. Namely a global and Mighty Gust. (Don’t pick Hinterland blast) You’re always going to want to go BOOMerang at Lvl 7.

For Tanks ETC is a solid choice (Just wait about a second after you use your Q, to activate your W, otherwise you cancel your own stun)

I wouldn’t recommend any of the melee assassins.


The “carry heroes” in this are going to be ranged assassins. Usually Marksmen are better than Mages at this role, but Mages can do it just fine given the right circumstance.

If you want the best ones for Solo Q, your best options are:

Fenix, Tychus, Greymane, Sylvanas, Falstad.

Ones that can do it but aren’t as good:

Raynor, Li Ming, Nazeebo, Hanzo, Kael’Thas.

These heroes are about the closest you’ll get to solo Q carries.


I know 2 recommendations from top players are Graymane and Jo. If you are good at being tank Jo gives your allies mistakes forgiveness. Gray is a solo lane high damage burst with great wave clear. (Does not have to be solo I mean he can do it)

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The “carry heroes” have all been reworked by now to be more team reliant… There arent many left…

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Ill be playing solo most of the time, so having a good solo laner sounds good.

I played a few tanks so far and I have surprisingly enjoyed it.
thanks for the suggestions.

Tank: ETC is incredible bang for your buck. With slews of ways to build around messing up teams, he brings some of the finest dive and area control, and while his initial damage is a bit shy, he can get some mean burst that will let him finish off and pressure healers and squishy assassins.

Assassin: Raynor and Falstad strike as easy picks. Sylvanas can get a bit more complex. For a challenge, Alarak is a good pick: high skill ceiling with high potential. Great if your specialty is tagging assists and making it out alive!

Healer: Li Li, Rehgar make up a solid base. I personally like Brightwing when playing QM. Uther is a safe pick who can cover good ground for a healer. Morales is fantastic in duo play.

Avoid: Murky, Abathur, The Lost Vikings-- these guys require good knowledge of the heroes roster, to know how each situation should be replied to. For instance, it’s probably a bad idea to specialize Aba Shields vs Varian. TLV into Butcher is a great way to get reported by your team. Murky, in general, works on a very strange metagame.

Bonus points: Cho’gall. I promise he looks a lot harder than he is, plus, you just don’t get an experience like that in other mobas.


Tank: ETC seems to be the consensus pick for Tanks, going to have to add him to my must have list.

Assassin: I have played Raynor (when he was F2P) but I preferred Tychus just because he has a bit of an escape. I miss-position alot while I’m learning this game.

Healer: have not played a healer I like yet so I will check out your suggestions.

Avoid: I tried Murky once and my team hated me from the start of the match, All the BM gave me flashbacks of every LOL game ever played. never again!

Cho’gall Ill have to get him when I can afford him or if he becomes F2P for a few days Ill try him out. TY

Tychus is the most misunderstood ranged assassin. Most people relegate him to “anti tank”, and you’ll get that a lot from people who don’t understand the hero.

Tychus is a utility assassin. He has something in his kit for an assortment of situations if you know where to look.

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If you want cheap heroes

ETC, Valla, Raynor, Azmo, Jaina & Reghar

Welcome btw


Most of the typical suggestions are already listed. Greymane is a classic because he can do everything. Ranged assassins with a mobility basic ability can generally get value regardless of what the rest of the team is doing, so those are good options.

That being said, Macro is incredibly powerful. So global heroes, and bribe heroes are strong. Falstad is a ranged assassin with global and bribe (and two amazing Ults), making him probably the most versatile carry in the game imo. I hate him because of this, lol.

I’m also going to mention Ragnaros as a do it all character. He can wave clear/camp clear, and soak/macro pressure with lava wave. He has the best defense of objective in his trait. He’s also capable of a lot of team fight damage, but that is also his biggest caveat. He’s Melee which is generally harder than ranged to do damage and stay alive. I use E build to get in and out during fights. Q build is for a beefy frontline and W build if you can only poke.

Side note: After getting a couple of heroes to level 5 and getting the gold from that to unlock more heroes to level to 5, go into unranked. Unranked will satisfy all of your daily quests at once, netting you more gold very efficiently. Leveling a lot of heroes to level 5, including the free rotation, at the beginning expands your hero knowledge and gets you a lot of gold/loot chests/gems. Draft is also the only balanced game type, and is a valuable skill to learn.


appreciate it and Thanks! :grinning:

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Tank: Johanna - wave clear, solid peels, very sturdy, self cleanse, and just a great all around tank.

Ranged assassins: Jaina, Kael’thas, Falstad, Gul’dan, Sylvanas, and Nazeebo. All of these heroes have pretty solid waveclear and damage.

Melee assassins: Zeratul - solid damage, wave clear, and the best ultimate in the game.

Bruiser/Solo-laners: Sonya, Rexxar, Blaze, and Malthael. Excellent wave clear, good damage, all around solid solo-laners.

Healers: Rehgar, Anduin. - Rehgar because he can do just about everything to some degree and Anduin for the solid healing numbers in addition to his trait.


Greymane,Alarak,tyrael,li-ming,Kel’Thuzad. its heroes that can win game without team and “carry”(ok,you cant win without team,its not LoL or dota,you anyway need to help,but these heroes influence the outcome of the game quite strongly)

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Best list so far imo.

And as said countless times above, “solo carries” need to be able to do everything alone without begging teammates for help. That includes camp taking and lane clearing.

You will never see a GM doing bronze->GM challenge with a low solo impact hero like Morales or Deckard which are extremely team dependent and can’t do much alone.

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Can’t carry potatoeteams with more potatoes than enemy’s…

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yes you can if youre a lot better than the enemy, as bronze to gm stream challenges have proven over and over

you can even win with a disconnector or intentional feeder if you’re a lot better than the enemy (such as gm playing in silver)

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Alarak the Highlord.

Nuff said.

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