Aram - one hero

A friend just sent a screenshot from ALL PROBIUS aram. If only I could post it here.

Mid map - around 100 gate ults. FUN!

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Fire everywhere. That sounds about right :slight_smile:

This is my Nightmare.


I saw that posted on Reddit over a week ago. I must say Iā€™m with Phase here, it looked like a total nightmare. To give mucho credit where itā€™s deserved, grats to all 10 players who didnā€™t leave that 40+ minute nightmare match.


Remember that Brawl where everyone was probius for the whole week? Good times.

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lol, wut? I donā€™t remember that. XD I wonder who played thatā€¦
I remember dumb brawl maps, that lasted for a few days.

There were some brawls/ARAM where everyone was one hero. Some where in a true map and others just aram map.

I remember the Hammer on towers of doom. There was also only mages on Tomb of the spider queen. And there was a only probius and I believe it was aram map.

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Blame the stupid dev in redditā€¦ they activated it.

I just had all butcher, I thought I play it through but once that one butcher got 200, it was over for the other teamā€¦

So stupidā€¦ I just quit

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I absolutely hate this all hero in ARAM as well. Itā€™s never been fun and itā€™s supposed to be 5%? More like 95% to me, I played 4 solo games, 3 were all the same heroes and of course randoms do not cooperate so it was inevitable loss or painful win. Not fun really. Not at all.


This was fun for about 1 minuteā€¦how long do we have to endure this pain?
Just had a 3 in row one hero game. wthā€¦ I ended up leaving the 3rd one, and this probably what iā€™m going to do from now on. I hate leaving games, but this is starting to get too awful

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Itā€™s simple. Everyone who doesnā€™t like it has just been leaving and playing a different game. Yet Diablo 4 cannot come soon enough.

Just yesterday, in very non-peak hours on the US server, my queues for ARAM were instant. In over 30 games, Iā€™ve had only 5 all mirror matches. To me, it seems the majority, who were playing ARAM before the mirror change, are still playing after.

Random chance of course means other players will have experienced mirror games more than my experience or less. Over on Reditt there are more complaints about mirror games, so given time, perhaps they might flip the switch and turn it off again.

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Yea too bad I wonā€™t be caught dead on Reddit because they arenā€™t real gamers. Diablo 4 will be out before they remove this terrible mode. I just got another one, all Maeiv. One dude started spamming obscenities about how much he hates the mirror. I just politely said later and did alt+f4. Thatā€™s my typical experience. Hopefully when I log on this game tomorrow or whenever Iā€™m not penalized.

Can you define what a ā€œrealā€ gamer is? Iā€™m genuinely curious.

Iā€™ve played all the Diablo games, and Iā€™m happy youā€™re excited for D4, but Iā€™m not, I think Iā€™ll sit it out. Maybe Iā€™ve just become disillusioned with games that require a constant grind to play. The benefit of a game like Hots is itā€™s like a snack, you can just have a small portion, the time commitment isnā€™t as much, unless youā€™re actively trying to climb ranks.

agreed, this mode is garbage

Iā€™m also curious on those prerequisites. Especially since it looks like you donā€™t really need to know personal info about the players to conclude whether theyā€™re real gamers or not :thinking:

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I am indifferent to the all same hero mode, I have yet to find one that I found really fun. Had 2 all Zuljin and it was the two most boring games of ARAM in my life. Both teams would walk up, W and then back up.
What makes it worse, most times you get people who hate the mode and just go AFK or donā€™t try, griefing your game. Fun stuff.

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Canā€™t stand this mode either. Itā€™s mostly a single skill spam. Usually get minimum 2 people who dont enjoy it on the team, including me. 3 if include 1 who always leaves. and 4 when 1 just AFKs.

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Reddit is the online forum version of what happens in a crowd. People with average to below avg I.Q. get together and they collectively get dumber as the hive mind forms. Yet like a dog, they always return to the vomit.

Such an eloquent turn of phrase.

So say for example the chance for a mirror match is 5%, does that mean all ten players have a 5% chance to get a mirror match or the match itself has 5% chance of being mirror?