Another season, another drop in game quality

Every season for 2 years. YIKES.

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Well they refuse to acknowledge that ranked is so bad and will not make any changes to it, more people are saying to hell with it and just goofing off instead of trying to win cause they know trolls and bad matchmaking make ranked unplayable.

I even have a second account where i just play ranked and goof off cause im tired of losing as a healer main cause dps are afk or just bad in diamond.

Yeah, and they always lock first like they are picking something they are good at too.

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locks first pick KTZ, is level one with him and misses all his skiill shots, had 16k hero damage by lvl 18. blames team This guy was diamond 2 as well. I am like why!? You should not be allowed to lock heroes you have never played before.

There are people playing even in master right now that couldn’t solo queue out of bronze so I’m not surprised. The game is completely broken right now.

I was diamond 1 last season and fell this much cause of it, I just quit. I am not playing anymore ranked until they fix this bs.

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I just had a Auriel Crystal Aegis me and not heal when I was in the middle of a fight, every fight one RANKED game. I’m so pissed.

Ranked is unplayable. Boosted kids and smurfs are ruining the match making even more than it already was. My advice is just dont play ranked anymore til they fix this.

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no one cares about quality. not even ppl who’s played that long.