Another patch, another round of useless changes. Why not address real issues?

I can understand sending trolls/afk’ers into limbo, but the population of the game is dwindling. What can they do with matchmaking overall with the game population as it is? They can’t magically fabricate thousands of humans in all the relevant ranks. I’ve personally never designed a game matchmaker, but have substantial experience with machine learning, and know how challenging these problems can be to solve, esp. when the solution can be more of a compromise with difficult constraints (i.e. smaller than ideal player base). Tbh I don’t understand this attitude of knowing for sure what is or isn’t appropriate, I don’t work on HotS, I don’t have their internal data, so I don’t go around calling peoples’ work on a freemium game “useless” willy nilly. Just doesn’t make sense.

And there are some interesting changes in this patch, you don’t speak for everyone, or even most (the like ratios don’t lie). Hard truth-- how will you rationalize this now that you’ve dug into this position so deeply? Not really much to this post besides unqualified whining.

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By itself, it would be bad – it’s like people that hit electronics when something isn’t working right: the hit doesn’t fix what’s wrong, likely made something worse, but people feel better about doing it that they don’t even think twice about how hitting it doesn’t actually fix anything.

However, part of the issue of a mmr system is the initial placement settings. So some of the idea of ‘resetting’ the system to re-evaluate initial placement isn’t completely off, but if its not done without anything else to help with the system’s initial estimations, then, yea, it wouldn’t really do anything but allow people to perhaps better exploit the matching by forming a team for their placements this time around rather than get set while they were “still learning” … so to speak.

So I would advocate for a ‘reset’ if the game had intentional metrics set to place people at particulars leagues and then forced them through tests to see if they still maintain their previous placements.


I’ll try to keep it focused . . .
MM is not as good as it can get. This is like the guy who wanted to close the patent office in 1940 because everything had been invented. Lots of people think MM is bad, . . . they might all be wrong, but I bet MM isn’t as good as it could be.

I’ve never heard of anyone being banned for afk, ever. In fact, I’ve never heard of a suspension for it, so . . . it clearly isn’t done enough.

The idea of “never match” is a community policing mechansim. Those who are universally disliked will never find matches. This way of policing is much better than the reporting system, which has the flaw you point out, people getting triggered for nohting. Limit the “no match” list to 20, and the worst of the worst will never find a game, done.

Yes, the league I suggest is like smurf accounts. It’s also a mode where you current skill matters, no you historical bias. MMR is too slow to adjust, so why not make a mode where is does quickly. I bet that mode becomes the most competitive and serious. Too many modes now? Well yes, because they are basically all the same now. What I suggest is different at least.

What is wrong with the reporting system? Are you serious? Yes, it’s too harsh for certain things, and not enough for others. I don’t see a problem with the logic there. You yourself say triggered teens control the system. I agree. The system is horribly inacurrate (garbage in from triggered teens, and garbage out from automated penalties). I’ve had this discussion before, so I can only point to the reviews of HoTs outside the bubble of these forums, and a negative always listed for this game is the arbitrary reporting and penatly system. Many (like me) would rather have no penalties for language, because you have to communicate in the game.
Also, there is a mute button. I don’t get upset if someone types something I don’t like. I mean, really, language so bad you are so hurt that you can’t manage to use the mute button. At the same time, completely horrible players are matched to your team, do nothing, get numerous reports for afk, and . . . . I see the same ones back in games over and over. IMO the reporting system has created a snowflake community, non competitive. I want HoTs to be the industry leader, and imo, that means competitive.

Meh, you like skins fine, but they do nothing to improve the game. If it really takes nothing more to make skins, then fine, but I don’t think that’s the real world. Someone is paid to make skins, and lots of them. Move that resource to real issues, imo.

matchmaking that’s better at what? You can’t have a “better matchmaker”, the matchmaker for QM is already producing 20 second queue times (which is its express purpose), if it “gets better” at other stuff then it stops making quick matches which means you might as well get rid of QM and just only have ranked

they already kick afkers & QQ’ers to a leaver queue. If they expand the ways to get put onto it, then trolls will abuse it

the more people the QM won’t match you with, the slower the queue gets which is directly in conflict with the point of QM’s existence.

It looks a lot like OP actually just hates QM, like, as a concept but hasn’t realized that yet. QM works as intended, it’s not supposed to give you high quality matches, it’s supposed to give you matches quickly. Stick to ranked if that’s a deal-breaker for you

speak for yourself

this is the exact reason game devs learn to just ignore player suggestions. If the players made the game the game would suck & die, it’s a dev’s job to make a game good even if the players complain about it the whole time


“There is always room for improvement” but that doesn’t mean it’s realistic to demand it now.
And what are the purposes of the MM in your opinion and for which modes?

I did. Here on the forums. Did you searched for afk banning or just assumed that it’s not happening because its effects are not in your face?
I never heard about arabs eating chinese food but that doesn’t mean it’s not a thing and don’t happening right now.

So let’s “lie” to ppl that they can queue into a game but in reality they are “the worst” so can’t get a match instead of banning the ppl honestly? Why is that better?
Your idea wouldn’t work.

If the MMR is “quick”, it’s inaccurate since every game has a ton of influence. Or how else do you want to make climbing fast? If climbing is fast, so is the falling.
Again, you have no idea how things can and do work but you assume you discovered america or something.
Imo you shouldn’t bet this often.

I said ppl, not teens. Don’t blame everything on the youth.
Outside of the bubble of the forums? You think this is a happy bubble and you think your -who knows what- reviews are not a bubble of its own?
I’ve been paying attention from a long time on the forums and the complains are always contradictions of each other. The report system was always too harsh and too easy going in all its options. But I never saw any complains about it from these years where the ppl looked innocent. They always were either toxic or admittedly basically afk.
The fact that you’d blame only teens just shows how nice a guy you are yourself…
“Just mute” is not the ideal solution. The ideal situation that ppl know that they shouldn’t swear and rage and flame and being passive aggressive with their teammates cuz it’s counterproductive.
The system tries to enforce decency so the answer should never be that “you can ignore that I’m a terrible person online and the problem is gone”. No, since the problem are ppl like them.
And this “snowflake” stuff… oh boi…

The game dies if it doesn’t make money.
It needs skins to make money.
Skins needs graphic designers and others to make them.
Those ppl needs money.
Blizz needs to pay them like in a normal job if it wants them to stay and be available when they’re needed.
If Blizz already pays them monthly for its own longterm good, why shouldn’t it give projects to them, like making skins regularly?

“Move the resources into real issues”… you don’t even know what gets how much money just go “meh, could be more, not enough, duh”.
And what are the real issues? Since you provided zero evidence for such claims. Real issue =/= my issues. Especially since it’s questioned that the “my issues” are valid or not at all.


Unpopular opinion: agree with OP. Wont candy coat significant meh-at-best changes

Even allowing for a manual MMR reset like once a year or every 6 months would have been nice. MMR adjusted too slowly. I quit ranked awhile back because I maintained a 52ish% winrate across 300 games and I STILL got hit with negative PRA every win.

Ranked was always punishing in ridiculous. unreasonable ways. AFKs/leavers/trolls were just icing on the cake.

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Uhh… based on what information? Even with what little info Hotslogs offers, Diablo is only most banned in low diamond and below, which hints that its mainly a l2p issue. From high diamond and above Diablo sharply drops off on how much he is played/banned and Anub takes his place. But the most recent patch addresses some of Anub’s power and gave more power to other warriors, so…

And even though I know you’re not going to pay attention because you’re a special snowflake, I’m still gonna poke holes into your entire statement:

Diablo’s maximum stun time before factoring in Apocalypse or Donimation/Overpowering Nightmare is 1.25 seconds, with both Shadow Charge (if it hits terrain) and Overpower. Uther’s total stun time is 1 second but doesn’t need to hit terrain, Aurial’s is 1.25 but needs to hit terrain, ETC is 1.25 seconds, Dehaka is 1.75 seconds. I fail to see how a base 1.25 second stun time makes Diablo any more powerful than other heroes with similar stun effects.

His “op damage” as you put it depends entirely on whether or not he can land Shadow Charge on terrain, and whether or not he has a high stacked or completed Devastating Charge at 13. And if he misses that Shadow Charge, Devastating Charge got absolutely no value and is a wasted talent.

Baseline, Diablo cannot revive every 4 seconds. If he has been farming minions and secured a few kills, he’ll have 100 souls in no time, this is true. But as soon as you kill him (which honestly isn’t all that hard to do as long as your damage isn’t retarded) he loses those 100 souls, all of his extra health, and is now much easier to kill in future team fights until he stacks those souls up again. He does have level 4 talents that will help him gain souls back faster, but the point is that after he loses those souls the first time he becomes even easier to kill and keep oppressed. Even if your team is playing extremely badly it is not possible for him to be able to revive once every 4 seconds, because at 100 souls it takes him 5 seconds to respawn. So your own argument pretty much admitted that you have no idea what you’re talking about and probably shouldn’t be weighing in on conversations you are uneducated in. :wink:

You pray this for years now, even when the game was at its peak. Just admit already, that the MM is not good, Karabars.

Which mode’s MM has what problems and show me a better one. Since LoL and Dota has the same “MM is terribad” threads as this forum.

Man is very simple to ace the stun with Diablo and cause massive damage by hitting the enemy against the wall, remember also that it is point and click, if it would be skill shot it would be something else.

And they make a smurf and come right back. But honestly, I have no idea what Blizzard could do about the issue of afk/troll.

If the generally happiness of the playerbase was higher, you’d likely see less of this as there is probably a very high correlation here. Ranked needs to be less punishing to teams that have these detractors on it.

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Muahaha… no there aint. Any of those things you listed exist in ALL multiplayer games and ppl whine for devs to fix em.Yet they aint fixed in any of them. These things aint fixable.Tell me a singe multiplayer game(where 2 sides fight) that is balanced and has truly “fair” matchmaking. Since i know none.

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That would be nice. I stated in another thread that I pretty much never report afk/trolls because it doesn’t matter what happens to them; I still lost the match and the rank points. Didn’t the devs say a while ago that they were going to address this issue?

Exactly, they didn’t fix it.

It amazes me that there are so many Blizzard appologists in formum. Nothing can ever get better, everything is great, there is nothing anyone can do.

I supose most people have zero vision, so . . . makes sense that everyone things that what is today is all there can be.

Sorry, I’m of the opinion there are thing to improve in the game, and a stream of silly skins isn’t helping game play.

To those defending the matchmaker, you simply are clueless on how these, and particularly this one are even put together. You wrongly assume it is just a good pseudorandom algorithm. This is simply wrong. Maybe use google to see how what preferences were baked in, how it effectively decides that you are good or bad, and forces you further into that category. by design. Furthermore, you should read on what happens when you are outperforming its expectations by a somewhat small margin (not a huge gap, but meaningful). Until you even farking bother to spend more than 5 minutes of time looking these things up, then you have ZERO worth in this conversation. I have linked a good article and video several times in these forums. Find it if you have an ounce of curiosity.

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or you could just link it yourself, or link the case of you having linked it before so you have some semblance of credibility instead of just ranting about crap and acting like you have a modicum of value above others despite not even attempting to show the things you claim other people should do.

Cuz i’m currently convinced you haven’t actually linked that stuff and it just falls into the same rut of your other assertions where you’ve claimed things to be as you say, or assert stuff has been ‘proven’ but then don’t provide said proof.

I ran across other kaz# accounts, but not this particular one, but of the ones I saw, they didn’t link what you claim from what I searched in the span of time I deemed it worth to try to verify the claims you think other people should do, but is evidently beneath yourself.

But hey, feel free to provide some ‘clues’ of your own to elevate yourself from the ‘clueless’ state wherewith you seem content to stew.


Thank you, thank you. I have been talking about matchmaker bais for years, and how it ruins this game.

Simply put, if they eliminated all bias from the matchmaker, mmr would swing wildly, and matches would be better. BUT all the people who play with freinds to be in plat and above, would cry constantly that it’s unfair they constantly have to prove themselves.

As is, the game forces you into a very very slow rutt, and long adjustments over dozens of games.

Eliminating all the boys would eliminate all the “real issues”.
Just be good and praise Elune in the name of Belial.
Oh yeah, and play the event.
It’s a game.