Another patch, another round of useless changes. Why not address real issues?

Honestly, very few people care about the constant hero tweaking. As many are unhappy with hero changes, as are those who are happy.

What we really want is better matchmaking, better placement, getting rid of afkers and trolls. Why not let people have a list of “never match” teammates for QM. Why not create a game mode like ranked where MMR resets every season, call it battleground.

Fix the horrible, industry wide known and negatively seen, reporting system?

There are a million ways to improve the game, and every time I see a patch doing the same nonsense skins and tweaks, it just makes me want to cry . . .


Don’t forget the constant reminder that they are “always listening to player feedback”.

Sound more like you’re the problem here


When a child is crying people will hear. When a child is constantly asking an adult for a lollipop, the adult will just ignore the child, and after a while will not even answer to explain the situation, yes, candy is good and the child will like it, but children are not the adult’s responsability so it is most likely that the child will not brush teeth after eating the candy so in the long run the health of the teeth will be bad and that is a greater problem than just having annoying children asking for lollipops all day, everyday.

Also, fantasizing about making games is very easy, it is not as easy when you try to make a change in a game or make one, especially if the people that is involved in making is more than just you and your buddies.

The game is not supposed to reach perfection, and players are not supposed to try to fix it.

Soon some of you will have to choose a career path and you will not choose a hard one because it is easier to play a hero or watch super hero movies than to try to become a hero in whatever story you fell in love with.


cause its easier and costs less ressources to change numbers than fixing the real problems


You are wrong about very few caring about hero tweaking. I know I am always interested in hero tweaks. Constant hero tweaking keeps the game interesting and gives the player base something new to play with every time they do it.

So please don’t speak for the community and just speak for yourself and don’t inflate your post with needless hyperbole.


Play this game with this bad MM…got it

Every player requires an account to play. Everyone’s game is different. The matchmaker is a system that is working as intended.

The game does not need changes, players need to change the way they ARE, not the way they play.

God bless.


You have a ton of time lol. The point is they aren’t doing anything, not that I am really crying.

I don’t think you pay attention enough to notice what people do, or don’t care about.

You could just say its your own interests and then pretend it aligns with a bigger collective in the hopes you aren’t ostracizing yourself, but its also easier to find complaints than it is to find compliments, so gj there.


lmao what. You and your mom both? That many, huh?

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Because a balance patch is not a content patch where usually they drop in new content and functionalities like SL? yes?


Honestly I do not understand why so far not nerf Diablo, being the tank with more ban rate of all the game, has a stun too op with a damage equal op and if that was not enough revives every 4 seconds and is the second tank with more life, then what else do you want to nerf Diablo.

Because this would cause queue times to skyrocket.

The balance team doesn’t work on these issues.

Not if you limit it to 2 or 3. It all depends on the person, I don’t play QM, but I would wait 10 minutes for a ranked game if it were going to be a balanced match.

I don’t think you’re right in that.

MM: the algorithm is as decent as it can get, the problem is that humans are inconsistent and the population isn’t high enough.
Placements: they said before SL even started, that they’ll change things with it, and our current season is basically a test, a preseason.

They fairly commonly do ban-waves against those.

Because ppl are too easily “triggered” and they’d put totally normal ppl into that list because “they were bad in this match, wah!”, which would result into a net of ppl who doesn’t want to play with certain ppl. Good luck creating a MM which can create quick matches with randoms with a “hate-net” like that.

The player base has enough gamemodes already. Reseting MM is like creating smurfs. Do you think smurfs are healthy for the game and MM and they don’t make anything harder for the system and the playerbase? Reseting mmr is a dumb move, I don’t understand how can there still ppl not seeing this.

What’s wrong with the reporting system? Too harsh? You said they do nothing with the “law-breakers” before. Or not too harsh? There are a ton of ppl who think it’s too harsh already. Now what?

Skins and balance changes keep the game alive, and they’re done by different groups whose work doesn’t interfere with each other. Their work has nothing to do with the work of ppl who works on the report or MM system.

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A few things to note about blizzard patches:

  1. Balance patches happen more frequently because it is relatively easy to change existing code.
  2. They will probably not do a “never play with option” since it can seriously mess with MM like it did when implemented in overwatch.
  3. Blizzard tends to be silent about any possible feature or projects they are working on until the feature/project is released. So it is hard to tell if they are doing anything about some issues since they will not talk about works in progress.

There was another poster in another thread emphatically insisting that people aren’t idiots, which probably answers your question. :slight_smile:

Ironic enough they already did an MMR reset lol, a soft mmr reset, and look how that ended up, those people who thought they were higher went even lower than they were.

Now imagine a hard reset, its like they have no idea what they exactly want and when they get it they through a tantrum because it didn’t went for their expectations.



There’s nothing wrong with tackling low hanging fruit and giving underpicked talents a buff for the sake of giving players more options.

It’s an easy and cost effective way to continue improving the game.

Since the dev team is limited big things like reworks, new hero are going to come out way slower and thats just how it is when you have less dev resources