Anduin vs Ana vs Tyrande Ranked

Who is the better general pick? If you feel like it, you can also specify who is better with what team comp, enemy comp, etc. I only ask because I am looking to learn support and top ten hammer said those 3 supports were S-tier.

I mean what is really a top tier support, that’s the first question.
Ana is a strong support in most comps mostly because of her strong heals, along with a powerhouse CC and 2 good choices in ults.
Anduin has a strong presence in teamfights, doesn’t bring to much CC into the fight, but can pressure an enemy team like a god along with his team.
Tyrande has one of the best single target sustain heals if she is left alone.
If the enemy team has alot of pressure on the backline she can go from the strongest healer to the weakest in a heart beat.

But in general nearly all the healers work so well with so many comps.
My Main Auriel forexample is looked at as a “Need a battery” healer, but she has such a strong AoE heal that barrely has a CD if you only build and play her right for the situation.
She also has a strong CC(Mostly for maps with alot of tunnels)
And 2 super strong ults that can turn a TF upside down.

If i were you i wouldn’t be looking at tier lists for your picks, i would play, learn and pick accordingly to your team, their team, map and whoever you like to play.

As a master, and a player since beta, i have seen alot of learned alot.
And if there is one thing that is correct, it is that meta is just an overused word.

Good luck in the nexus!

Tyrande: if you have stunlock combo and ability to blow some1 up instantly. Thing to consider: very frequent cleanse. You have to be sure you’ll be able to aa a lot to be efficient.
Ana: needs strong frontline (could be 2 heavy tanks) and no strong dive on opponent team.
Uther: opposite situation to ana - when opponents have burst/dive and you lack frontline.
Lucio: anytime when extra mobility gives you good value (e.g., arthas setups), you don’t badly need cleanse (high5 is not a usable ult) and don’t risk losing ppl instantly (lucio is the best aoe healer, but really bad vs single target burst).
Rehgar: if you need more map/camp control and opponents don’t have ana (naded ancestral is a pretty painful thing to experience).

Anduin: when you really don’t want to pick any of the above and/or your ult is unlikely to be interrupted (HWS is as strong as moshpit, but also as situational). Could be good priority pick vs annoying displacement (e.g., stitches hook/gorge, garrosh throw). Still, wouldn’t consider him on the same tier as the above though.

Anyway, all healers are pretty well balanced (I’d say the 5 I listed are S tier, and all others A tier), so just try to pick one that has the most advantages and least drawbacks taking into consideration all 9 other picks.
P.S. Technically S tier would be a hero that you can just first pick and never be wrong, so maybe there are no S tier healers at all, since they’re all pretty situation-dependent.

I really don’t understand in which universe you can put uther along with anduin and the other good healers. Uther has 12seconds cd heals, he cannot even be a main healer and i guess to be played efficently should be put in a team as a second healer. He can be played aggressively for surprise (and efficency), but his healing compared to lucio stukov anduin or auriel is nothing.
In my opinion, given the necessity of sustained healing in many maps, lucio could my favourite healer and could be a first pick without being wrong.
For the same reason, malfurion is also quite valuable despite being underestimated.
Auriel is super strong, but her efficiency goes beyond the player’s control (needs a solid team play).
Ana also looks very much OP, but you can always miss that dart or healing shot and everything could end badly.