Anduin - brace yourself, unpopular opinion(s) is coming

KT crowd’s coming a knocking, and well people will call it what they want.

His trait isn’t cleanse (no matter what NotParadox may say), but a pull, if that’s what you are talking about.
Thinking of it as a cleanse is kinda like thinking of Lucio’s Q as a nuke.

I like this change the best too, tbh.
Just make it more practical, that’s it.

Anduins D is unstoppable just like cleanse.


Lucio’s Q deals damage just like a nuke would.

All that unstopable serves is to guarantee the pull, so the hero you are pulling doesn’t get stuck in Malf’s E or something (which is why Mura can’t jump over it, while Anub can burrow just fine).

If HW:S was any better it would be just a superior version of Sanctification.

Lightbomb does need a little something though, maybe a shield or something for the target.

One thing that is absolutely certain is that neither of his heroics need nerfs.

That’s what a cleanse is - Unstoppable. The target is immune to CC as soon as Anduin clicks on them and while they are in flight.

Its just like Rehgar’s or Uther’s cleanse but has the added value of pulling the target to you.

I think lightbomb should have a larger cast range. I find one major difficulty is that if I put it on my charging Butcher or something, it is hard to put it on him before he is already out of range. I think buffing it more than that would be a mistake.

Agree with Bold Strategy change.

Holy reach should buff the max range of chastise imo. I dont think CDR would be that useful as I rarely actually use it on cooldown. But being able to use it as a long range snipe kind of like gravity lapse + nether wind would be cool, to catch people moving through chokes and stuff.

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A speed increase would make it a super useful talent. Chastise acts like it has to move through molasses to hit a target.

OMG you’re so right! I didn’t even think of that!

It’s much safer to go in for a single auto attack than to have to commit to attacking to gain value from Pursued.

It’s Power Word: Shield regardless, my dude


Wrong! Anduin is extremely OP. Especially his trait. It could nullify all the elaborate traps that were set to lock down his teammates. It must be changed into a skill shot, with double the cool down, half the distance and pull the first friendly unit instead of a point and click to safety as of now.

Stop joking.

His trait is strong, yes. But has high CD and makes the target only unstopable, not invulnerable.
I can’t count the amount of times I saw the target being pulled away by Anduin and dying in the process.
That trait is fine as it is.

Anduin needs redesign of his 1st talent tier (with Bold Strategy having 90% pickrate) and a buff to Lightbomb. Some thing like bomb giving shield with HP based on damage dealt to enemy heroes or something.

Only when it was double like I suggested. Even then, it couldn’t be considered long. But balanced.

Blame the user, not the tool.

That skill is fine. I’ve seen plenty of saves using it. The other option is simply OP in every way and therefore, overshadowing it. Doesn’t take a genius to see that some heavy handed nerfs are surely incoming to bring it in line.

Leap of faith has already 80 sec CD. Longer than any other cleanse.
You suggest to put it on 160 sec CD.

Dragonqueen has 150 sec CD. And Leap o Faith is no where near comparable to the strength of Alex transforming into a dragon.
And BTW Molten Core has 120 sec CD.

There is nothing balancing on putting a balanced spell on double the CD. You would need to buff it heavily if you gave it 160 CD.

The point was that it is not overpowered or broken.
Does it sucks that you don’t get the kill?
Sure. But same thing does Medivh with portals and shield.

Actually is not, because Anduin is protected, not invulnerable. And channeling. You can CC him into oblivion.
Just like you can CC ETC during his Mosh Pit.

For the record, Lightbomb has higher winrate than Salvation. And no, Salvation is not overshadowing Lightbomb.

Doesn’t need to be genius to see that Anduin will probably receive buffs with his ~45% winrate.

I wonder, what league do you play actually?

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I play in quickmatch and i know and agree with all those things.
I am having a wonderfull performance with him in quick match and the counter points to HW:S are very evident.
It´s still the ult i pick allmost all the time, because in QM people tend to waste their CC, so having a little patience and atention and you can get the whole thing out.
With light bomb is hard to get something because ppl that play QM are dummies, that said i got a good butcher one time and it was a ton of fun.
All in all, Anduin is a character very easy to disrupt with CC, be it HW:S, flash heal or even divine star if you hinder his positioning.
I am having a blast with him, it is my highest w.r. but its easy to see his weakness and think “Oh if a CC got me now we would all be screwd”

Lightbomb is very strong as is. It’s not flashy but if you play with it it works wonders.
For example my team has been running a Tracer Anduin Diablo comp. Lightbomb into an undodgable Tracer into Apoc is a stun combo on 2-3 heroes, and with Tracer pulse bomb an instant kill on a squishy.

You guys just need to get creative. Frankly I do agree Holy Word, Salvation needs a buff, and I won’t object a Lightbomb buff. Just saying don’t make assumptions based off of how much value QM rando’s are getting with it.


Short enough that you can have a free save every teamfight. Which is giving you a 6v5 advantage in the fight.

Say that to Brightwing.

That’s a yet to be verified claim.

Seriously? It is already a super op skill, to make it kinda balanced, you must have included the other limitations I’ve suggested. Not just the increased cooldown. Buff is a word you use on other heroes, like Chen.

Nope, the point is that those deaths was the result of the lack of skill from the user. Not because the skill was not utterly OP.

Not if you waited for the opposing team to waste their valuable cc tools. Aka, using it correctly. Instead of spamming it whenever off cooldown.

Well, that’s strange. Last time I checked, it’s 62.6%. Unless you also count the fillers.

You did not tell us what league you are in.

Also, you are claiming that the trait is broken and OP, so you should be the one to prove it, not otherwise.
So to the verified claim is on your side.
It’s super OP by your perception. That doesn’t mean it reflects the reality.

6v5 advantage in a teamfight?
what are you even talking about?

that moment the teamfight is over before you even cast it.
Any competent team will keep 1 or 2 CC to wait until you use your ultimate.
if you don’t use it, they win the fight. If you use it, the interrupt you.

its 47% unfiltered.

52% for Diamond SL, which is 18th place from the end.

If you filter only masters, you obviously don’t realize how the data there are skewed. Probius has 100% winrate in masters in SL. So he needs total nerfs right?

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Holy word:stand still and let the enemy team interrupt me isn’t a bad ult it’s just countered to hard by the current meta of the game. Manduin is a strong hero and can pop out some strong numbers but outside of his base kit yea his ults are bleh at best. Buff lightbomb shield


if the enemy team has a good amount of interrupts, salvation usually lasts 1 second max which isnt that good. Otherwise it is a bigger aoe sanct with healing which is super broken. Kind of polarizing.